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Old 12-10-2017, 09:23 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Self loathe much, Shit Eater?
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Old 12-10-2017, 09:36 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
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Old 12-10-2017, 11:09 PM   #18
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I could have picked any of the assholes weighing in on this but I picked you.
Because you're a cocksucking bastard....amongst other things.
Noticed that CNN corrected itself. Because they were wrong.
It also shows how chicken shit you bitches are because you never provide examples of why CNN is "fake news". But you rim the asses of anyone at fox news as they shit in your mouth.
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
The ProHillariousNoMore media is consuming itself with hysteria.

The suggestion of "countermeasures" by "leaking" fake news is legitimate.

They irresponsibly snap at any anti-Trump bullshit and publish it.
Talk about believing what they read. You suck murdoch's cock like it was your third step-dad's.
Why all the outrage from fox now?
Because of flynn pleading guilty?

You bet your ball tickling tongue that's why. Just because nobodies like you scream louder by the second, most Americans don't give a shit about you. We're tired of you tiny pissants.
We were willing to let the trump epidemic run its course. But not now.
We're going to bend you over at the Nuevo Laredo burro shows (no wall to keep us from transporting y'all en-mass) and watch you get the trump's antiAmerican-making-America-great-again-special.
Wages are much lower so it will be a while before you earn bus fare back.
The 2018 elections are going to be good. 2019-20 will be good too.

Fox News hosts' outrage against Mueller hits the wrong target

Outrage! That's what we saw from some Fox News on-air personalities this past week. So why the Fox freak-out? Simple: Robert Mueller's investigation.
In response to the investigation heating up, Fox News gave us a synchronized display of the same talking points -- all designed to undermine Mueller and help Donald Trump. These Fox News personalities truly seem more outraged at Mueller than at the Russian government for attacking our democracy!
There was the captain of Trump's cheerleading squad, Sean Hannity, declaring on his Fox News TV show that Mueller and his team of investigators were an "utter disgrace." Hannity then amped up the hysterics by claiming that this investigation poses a "direct threat to you, the American people, and our American republic," as he called for Mueller to resign.
Then there was Laura Ingraham, who said of the Mueller investigation: "What a total travesty, they should all step aside ... including Bob Mueller."

Lou Dobbs also partook in the attack-Mueller reindeer games on his Fox Business network show, proclaiming it was "time to kill the investigation." Dobbs then bizarrely added that "the person who should be investigated is Barack Obama." Why? According to Dobbs, because the Russian interference "occurred under his administration." Apparently he thinks that Obama helped Trump get elected so that Trump could try to dismantle every accomplishment of his presidency.

Fox's Gregg Jarrett deserves an award for his unique take on how to dump Mueller. He called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from the Russia investigation because he had failed to disclose his own contacts with a Russian diplomat during his Senate confirmation process, to now "un-recuse himself" for the "sole purpose" of getting rid of "partisans, including Robert Mueller."
Even former Speaker of the House and Fox News political contributor Newt Gingrich, who had praised Mueller when he was first appointed in May as a "superb choice" whose reputation was "impeccable for honesty and integrity," said on air this week that "Mueller is corrupt. The senior FBI is corrupt."
This was like an updated version of "All the President's Men," as Fox News's on-air talent toed the party line in defense of the President
The purported reason for much of Team Fox's outrage was because they had just learned that back in August, Mueller had removed an FBI agent, Peter Strzok, from his investigation, after finding out that Strzok and a colleague had exchanged messages that could be interpreted as pro-Hillary Clinton. This proved, as Hannity put it, that Mueller and his colleagues are a "partisan, extremely biased, hyperpartisan attack team."

Never mind that Mueller himself was a registered Republican and that he had been appointed to head the FBI in 2001 by Republican President George W. Bush.
In reality, it was likely the recent guilty plea by Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI that has been scaring the bejesus out of these Mueller-bashers. All of a sudden, the prospect of Trump being implicated in this scandal -- or at least dogged by it for years to come -- got very real.

Presumably, the realpolitik goal of Trump's Fox News defenders is to undermine any findings by Mueller that could implicate Trump in wrongdoing. After all, impeachment is a political remedy, and with the GOP controlling the House of Representatives, where the impeachment process must start per the Constitution, Fox is doing its best to convince Republican voters that any anti-Trump conclusions by Mueller are biased and should be ignored -- and to relieve some of the pressure on Republican House members to impeach Trump, should things get to that point.
But while Fox may be able to convince its viewers to ignore Mueller, it won't be so easy to get those outside the Fox bubble to get on board. A recent Washington Post-ABC poll found that 58% of Americans approve of Mueller's handling of this investigation -- with only 28% disapproving.
Even 38% of Republicans approved of Mueller's handling of this investigation.

These numbers also spell trouble for Trump if he were to follow the advice of his Fox friends and fire Mueller. Dumping Mueller -- who has far higher approval ratings than Trump -- could translate into a bloodbath for Congressional Republicans come the 2018 midterm elections, as voters could use these elections to send a message to the President.
It's unsettling that some are more worked up about Mueller than the Russian government's attack on our election, our democracy. But at least we can rest easy knowing that, despite the Fox freak out, the Mueller investigation is continuing.
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Old 12-11-2017, 01:07 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
As i've said elsewhere... Hamas and the palestinians don't WANT peace imo.. THey never have, they never will.
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Old 12-11-2017, 07:20 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Noticed that CNN corrected itself. Because they were wrong.
It also shows how chicken shit you bitches are because you never provide examples of why CNN is "fake news"...
So you're praising CNN for correcting their fake news... while whining that we never provide examples of CNN's fake news?

Got it!

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Old 12-11-2017, 07:39 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Why all the outrage from fox now?
I dunno, dickmuncher. Were you outraged at Watergate? Nixon and his gang of third-rate burglars? What did they do wrong? Oh yeah... they tried to spy on their political opposition, right? Planting bugs in their phones and all that. In the middle of a Presidential campaign!

Today we have a corrupt, pro-hillary FBI dressing up Putin's dossier lies and handing them to a FISA court judge to obtain a warrant to SPY ON THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION! In the middle of a Presidential campaign! As Jim Jordan said "that's as wrong as wrong can be!"

Why were you outraged at Watergate, assmuncher? Because the perps were Republicans? Gee, I keep forgetting how Dems get a pass for the same - or worse - behavior!
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Old 12-11-2017, 08:38 AM   #22
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You’re seething again. And somebody’s watching!

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Old 12-11-2017, 09:27 AM   #23
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Wow that went down hill fast ! Okay lets see what mistakes are made this week aimed at Trumister , Meanwhile in left field billary !!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-11-2017, 11:03 AM   #24
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What the FUCK does that even mean?
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Old 12-11-2017, 12:03 PM   #25
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It means we're tired of your worthless spam, pigfuck. Now STFU.
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Old 12-11-2017, 12:08 PM   #26
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Who’s “we,” Junior?

Eat shit and bark at the moon, bitch.
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Old 12-11-2017, 12:24 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
So you're praising CNN for correcting their fake news... while whining that we never provide examples of CNN's fake news?

Got it!


I think as much as all networks openly lean politically, it seems inevitable that mistakes will be made.

Need for Joe Friday in the news.

When 2 networks can add so much spin to something they report two completely different truths.

CNN, FOX, and the others have more half truths listed on politifact than should be allowed for a program to be considered news. Half Truths are almost worse than complete falsehoods.

They all have false ratings on their truth meters. That should never never happen.

But again, I see way too many grammatical errors in news articles now, too. How can we expect then to fact check if they aren't doing simple grammer checks?

I just think professional reporting across the board has gone to the shitter.
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Old 12-11-2017, 02:36 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Wow that went down hill fast ! Okay lets see what mistakes are made this week aimed at Trumister , Meanwhile in left field billary !!!!!!!!!
So far today only a walk back on the fake news about Sessions.

"CNN has quietly walked back more of their “bombshell” reporting on the Trump-Russia collusion narrative, and this time it’s a story relating to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ security clearance forms."

CNN framed the non-disclosures as more evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump team, writing, “He has come under withering criticism from Democrats following revelations that he did not disclose the same contacts with Kislyak during his Senate confirmation hearings earlier this year.”

However, CNN admitted early Monday that FBI emails prove that Sessions’ explanation for the non-disclosures is accurate. http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/11/cn...sia-bombshell/
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Old 12-11-2017, 04:51 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
What the FUCK does that even mean?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Who’s “we,” Junior?

Eat shit and bark at the moon, bitch.
it means you need to clean up your poop!!!

and here's your poop bag!
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Old 12-11-2017, 05:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Who’s “we,” Junior?

Eat shit and bark at the moon, bitch.
For starters, "we" includes everyone voting for you in the DOTY poll... currently 19 of us, and that number will only go higher!

And you're the bitch who sits up and begs every time iffy yells "hey shit eater!"
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