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11-04-2017, 10:05 AM
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Hello from Indiana
Originally Posted by Gucci
I was wondering if providers had a limit on the amount of clients they see in a day, or do you ladies just keep going until the phone stops ringing ?
Low volume and high volume professionals in business make money.High or low volume doing this for free.Who cares how many clients professionals see a day.It's funny when seeing marketing ads low volume or high class trying to make money to like rest of sex workers.You are paying their bills to ask questions about their business.
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11-04-2017, 10:15 AM
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Who Cares Who Cares Why
Originally Posted by Fancylady
... Who cares how many clients professionals see a day ...
The answer is in the original post -- the OP cares.
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11-04-2017, 05:21 PM
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11-05-2017, 07:39 AM
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My ECCIE Reviews
Personally, I limit myself to 1 client a day. I do a lot of hiking, museums, zoos, sight seeing, etc. when I tour and I have an active personal life. I'm retired from everything but the hobby. If I don't enjoy something, I simply don't do it. I don't enjoy seeing more than 1 client a day.
For me, happiness is first. I enjoy the 1 meeting a day and my clients seem to like that their my only meeting of the day as well.
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11-06-2017, 09:14 AM
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Becca, do you think we actually believe what you post? One client a day only? Not buying what your selling my lady. You are beautiful woman and only seeing one guy a day can hurt your business immensely.
Example: I set an appt two weeks in advance, for a Friday afternoon. Some wealthy guy calls and wants you for a dinner date and romp, you say, sorry but I already saw someone today? That does not happen and we all know it. You are motivated by money, as we all are. You see more than one a day and some days you turn down several when money is good and not desperate enough. When funds getting low you see more than one a day and we all know it. Just most men here are wimpy and will not say anything truthful. I do not care if you are offended or hurt, not my concern. I am a businessman and I call like I see it.
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11-06-2017, 09:44 AM
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Credibility -- her data has some definite face value.
Well, for one, after looking at Becca's showcase and rate structure, I can see where her rate structure and even infrequent sessions could support a full hobbying life style.
And, considering she lives in a less traveled (on eccie, anyway) geographic area, her lack of abundant reviews (here) doesn't offend my sensibilities.
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11-06-2017, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Becca, do you think we actually believe what you post? One client a day only? Not buying what your selling my lady. You are beautiful woman and only seeing one guy a day can hurt your business immensely.
Example: I set an appt two weeks in advance, for a Friday afternoon. Some wealthy guy calls and wants you for a dinner date and romp, you say, sorry but I already saw someone today? That does not happen and we all know it. You are motivated by money, as we all are. You see more than one a day and some days you turn down several when money is good and not desperate enough. When funds getting low you see more than one a day and we all know it. Just most men here are wimpy and will not say anything truthful. I do not care if you are offended or hurt, not my concern. I am a businessman and I call like I see it.
The more you talk, the more you reinforce your world view. To you it is all about $$$$$, and I admit you are consistent. But not everyone is driven solely by how much they can make. It is truly sad that you cannot see that--that you can only comprehend one motivation for a person's behavior. Many people really are motivated by more than only money.
I have a friend who just spent the weekend with me. Yes, I paid her her two hour rate because I know she can use the money for something shevus saving up for. She came over Friday and left this morning. As I was fixing breakfast she replied to some of her e-mails, and turned down three appointments for Sat or Sun.
I guess she just doesn't understand that she is supposed to be a greedy, lying, deceitful
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11-07-2017, 12:02 AM
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My ECCIE Reviews
Originally Posted by Old-T
The more you talk, the more you reinforce your world view. To you it is all about $$$$$, and I admit you are consistent. But not everyone is driven solely by how much they can make. It is truly sad that you cannot see that--that you can only comprehend one motivation for a person's behavior. Many people really are motivated by more than only money.
I have a friend who just spent the weekend with me. Yes, I paid her her two hour rate because I know she can use the money for something shevus saving up for. She came over Friday and left this morning. As I was fixing breakfast she replied to some of her e-mails, and turned down three appointments for Sat or Sun.
I guess she just doesn't understand that she is supposed to be a greedy, lying, deceitful
T, my dear friend, I couldn't have worded a reply any better than yours, so I will somply say +1!!!!!
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11-07-2017, 07:58 AM
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Lol, Old-T do you really expect us to believe what you post? You do realize the more you brag the more we all think "how sad?" You are not helping these ladies by living in a fantasy world. If you desire to help them, help them without giving them money. Give a woman a fish you feed her for a day, teach her how to fish and you truly help her.
I help these ladies earn money outside of the hobby, allows me to be in a very unique position to hear them tell the truth about what they do and who they really like. I have a no sex policy because it is fact when going in business the main motivator is money. Why else go into business? Business is about money, get it?
These women own businesses and their motivation is no different than yours or mine - money. Nothing wrong with that, in fact capitalism needs it to prosper. But here in the hobby world so many delude themselves into thinking she likes him, or she cares. She does as much as a car salesman cares about putting you in a new car.
Ask yourself why you are so friendly with only providers? Do you offer up your house to men friends as well? I am saving for something can you please send me a two rate and give me free room and board for a weekend? Would love to come and see that part of our nation. You do not do this because you are trying to win over these women and all I am saying is it will never happen here, it is business.
Ever hear the saying "he who brags most has the least to brag about." I suggest letting that sink in because Old-T my friend you brag daily.
The women back you up, sure that gives you a warm feeling inside as well. But that feeling is fake and not real, it is business. She wants to be seen as a person, not a commodity, we all do. Truth is though she sells herself as a commodity, so when a person posts compassionate things about what she is doing, they latch on. You figured this out already though. But it is still living a lie. Because reality is she is a commodity when she provides. The way to help her stop that feeling that she despises is to teach her how to earn without spreading her legs, not enabling by giving her more cash.
That is like handing me my keys after we get drunk at a bar. There you go helped you get home by finding your keys for you. I do not need that kind of help.
When women post obvious bullshit, like only one man a day, I call it for what it is, bullshit. When a guy has sooany women wanting to be with him, yet he still pays for pussy, I call it for what it is bullshit.
Have you noticed how many likes I get on my posts? Someone must agree with me, somewhere.
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11-07-2017, 08:56 AM
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More morning drivel G2.
I am almost finished my breakfast so I won't spend too long addressing your post, but since you post nothing new it doesn't take a lot of contemplation.
Host men also? Yes, actually I do. I enjoy having company and enjoy hosting--and there are pleanty of things to attract people here.
Teach someone how to fish. Well good for you. Truly. If you look through my posts I am a firm believer in ladies planning for their retirement the day they start this work. I have helped several retire and move on. That, by the way, was the primary reason the young lady was visiting. We went over her transition plan--which is what she is saving up for. The difference is I recognize that some ladies do not want to stop yet, and those who are trying to retire need to eat while getting ready to fish. How often do you see a lady retire--and return a few months later when her retirement was not well thought out or prepaired for?
As to the rest of your myopia: I do not recall anyone claiming money is not a motivation for work. I just am reasonable enough to understand most humans are motivated by more than money--even in work. I could have financially retired almost five years ago, but I enjoy the work, many of the people I get to deal with, and the sense if acomplishment so I choose to keep working. I do not refuse the pay check, but it is a distant third on why I keep working. I feel sorry for people like you who only work for the money. It must make for some very miserable days.
Bragging--no, I have nothing to brag about. I just point out that your one trick pony view of all ladies in this business as decietful money grabbing liars is wrong. Do some people like your posts? Sure. I know you are not alone in your view. Actually there are far worse than you in terms of what they post. But truth is not measured by how many agree with you. (And of course you continue to state that anyone who tells you that you have no clothes on must be lying. That since it is women who typically speak up and agree with me, they don't count. Yes, I know, you firmly believe women in general are far too stupid to understand what they do or why they do it. They need YOU to explain it to them and directvtheir lives for them.)
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11-07-2017, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Lol, Old-T do you really expect us to believe what you post? You do realize the more you brag the more we all think "how sad?"
<massive BS snippage>
Have you noticed how many likes I get on my posts? Someone must agree with me, somewhere.
Funny. When I read Old T's posts, I don't think "how sad." I think "Yup, here's another guy whose life experiences match my own." This merely reinforces my world view.
I just went to look at the first 3 definitions:
1) a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2) a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
3) a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile:
Do you understand? It is possible be friends with someone via two or more of these definitions simultaneously.
I have several "professional" ladies whom I am affectionate towards and hold in high regard. I am also a "supporter" via the second definition.
If I interpret your meaning correctly, you would belive me a fool because the lady is not providing her company for free, and is faking the affection. While there is no ultimate test for fake affection, I have enough anecdotal evidence to believe it is real enough. (As does Old T, to his satisfaction) As to free....she IS giving me something that I need, emotionally. I have a symbiotic relationship with some of these ladies that can only be described as friendship. If you choose to define it as something else, fine, but in my opinion you and those who are liking your posts are the ones we should feel sorry for. Hating and mistrusting the world is a terrible way to go through life.
@ Old T...some advice from my ol' granpappy:
While we all have to wrestle with pigs at times, we gain nothing by it. Ultimately, both we and the pigs get dirty....but only the pig enjoys it.
Enjoy your posts. Thank you for contributing.
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11-07-2017, 11:26 AM
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Hos is cool, and hos has hearts.
I said bad stuff about hos, but, actually, I am a ho, too.
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11-07-2017, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
When women post obvious bullshit, like only one man a day, I call it for what it is, bullshit.
There probably are some gals that limit it to one a day. And there's some that will see 5 a day. You can't paint every escort with the same brush.
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11-07-2017, 08:35 PM
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Who cares if hos lie.
We love them, anyway.
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11-07-2017, 09:42 PM
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You proved your point...
Originally Posted by VegasJen
T, my dear friend, I couldn't have worded a reply any better than yours, so I will somply say +1!!!!!
Jen dear, you're right - apparently you could not have worded it any better...
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