Originally Posted by garhkal
WHile true if a State right is there and the fed one goes, the state right is still present. BUT i am saying if the Fed law says X, then the state law shouldn't be saying B..
But that's not the law.
Which is why it is imperative when citing Federal constitutional rights to also cite the similar State constitutional rights when litigating in a state court ... and even in Federal courts, because the Federal courts can interpret state law as it pertains to the litigation before the Federal Court.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The States can provide more RIGHTS than the Federal Government.
As the litigation for the legalization by the States for use of (unmentionables on Eccie) start cranking up and finally reach the SCOTUS you will see how the "conflicts" with Federal laws are "reconciled"!
(BTW: It's been litigated before on that topic when the Feds attempted to control possessing, buying, selling, transporting, and importing into this country with a "tax" based on weight. So there is case law interpretation on "conflicts" within a specific subject matter that generates controversies.)
You're apparently referring to "pre-emption" policies and law. The possession and carrying of firearms is not an activity "exclusively" within the realm of the Federal Government, and it has NEVER BEEN.