Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
If you're going to talk about me at least spell my handle correctly.
Am I DG and/or YM...nope
Affiliated with them ...nada
Knew them both...sort of.
Don't forget oilfield, you're supposed to be me also. Which is challenging because originally I was an undisclosed namdle, then I was disclosed as namo, then I was supposed to be a common mandell for namo, ym, dm, sd. Then tryweakly surfaced and took over supposedly being namo which left me in limbo, however the matrix still had me I guess? Then namo oppressed hard enough that tryw was not namo so that issue was dropped and now tryw is currently stuck between the matrix and being a true handle but did manage to spam the entire board enough to create a 420 rule which is only a time reference. TRIGGERED!
But wait...there'should more
Somewhere along the line I became wu, not to be confused with you, but later I was you? So I was a mysterious mandle, then I was a pimp whore, a collection of whores, an outing whore only, a whore husband, a Nazi, an apparent oilfield profession related individual all in one. While I admit I am one bad ass mother fucker... I'm not sure that even I could handle being all these rolls.
(If I forgot anyone that I am supposed to be. Please don't feel offended by my omission of your name. It's hard to keep this shit straight)
This Matrix is a really fucked-up place. I should have taken the blue pill, not to be confused with THE blue pill. I think we can all agree that this is Globespotter'so fault.
Fuck it, who's in for some bologna and box wine? My treat!