Originally Posted by WTF
Trump wasn't wire tapped and if his minions hadn't been playing footies with the Russians they wouldn't have gotten wiretapped.
So let's see... Trump was talking to Paul Manafort during the campaign and Obama was listening in - and you say that's NOT wire-tapping?
I seem to recall Dick Nixon was impeached over a scandal that began with a bungled attempt to wiretap his political opposition's headquarters... tsk, tsk, tsk! That's breaking the rules! That violates our American sense of fair play! As odumbo used to say, "that's not who we are!"
But then odumbo was happy to sit back and let Susan Rice and Samantha Powers do the "unmasking" so he could read the transcripts of conversations between Trump and his associates.
Hmmm... I wonder if he shared them with hildebeest. She liked getting her debate questions in advance, too.