First off.. I perhaps am goofy, im not drunk (i don't drink), perhaps I am a complete moron..
and to point out..this is NOT DIRECTED at the thread way shape form or fashion
but if a provider is charging $200/hr and seeing 0 clients in a week.. 0 x $200 is $0
if a provider charges $75 and sees 4 guys(using the apparently appauling example above).. 4 x $75 is $300 $300 that person did have..
now, the argument can and will be made that Im "better" than that, I am not resorting to those rates I might as well leave and get a real job..
lets talk about that for a minute.. i mean part of the reason a woman choses this line of work is the abundance of cash that can be made with very little time put into it..I mean we don't have to bust our asses 40 hrs a week like the hobbyiest we see..
no no.. we get to make in an hour what many do not make in a week of busting it 40 hrs a week. we could humble ourselves and be grateful that we are afforded the chance to earn $300 for 4 hrs of work.. and can sit on our ass the rest of the week if we so desired..were as some poor sap is busting his ass at a 40 hr a week mc'd's or walmart for $7 an hour and won't make that.. yet we feel we have reason to bitch? complain? and in general think we are too good to work for $75 an somehow that is chump change?
does anyone realize just checking some random figures.. that the average attorney with 1-4 yrs experience earns between 60k-90k a year.. which if they only put in 40hrs a week would roughly max out at $45 some odd dollars an hour..give or take..
the average civil engineer, info sys, finance grad makes around 44k a year.. far less per hour.. these are people that invested in their knowledge.. no one here went to whore college to learn to spread their freakin legs, there is no "training" that one can have above someone else..
point being, these people that are educated, and potentially our clients make less per hour then some girl spreading her legs for an hour.. yet someone thinks they are too good or to "smart" to work for a certain wage.. seriously? the very guys that are potentially our clients, engineers, computer guys, executives.. some don't make $100 per hour, much less $200.. some don't make $75 or even $50 an hour.. yet suddenly its not good enough for some girl sucking dick? its beneath them? kinda says more about the girl than one thinks..
Besides all of that, fact still remains, the day someone is in need of money, can lay on their back for an hour and make $75 for lets face really equates to more of 30 minutes of actual work..majority of the guys don't stay "busy" the whole hour.. thats facts.. but still an "hour" of work.. the girl wants money to pay bills, wants a good secure.. and $75 isn't good enough?.. earning $300 for 4hrs of work, while those 4 guys are out humping it 40hrs to earn less per hour and spend that hard earned money on some girl isn't good enough for the girl? geez.. kinda pathetic..
i mean i would much rather earn $300 in 4hrs then busting my ass for 7 bucks an hour at walmart 40hrs a week for after taxes maybe getting 250..
if we go by the notion "i don't have to be here" attitude..then why would a girl be here? if she can earn more money per hour doing a regular job wouldn't she do it? i mean there are jobs that let you earn 200 an hour every hour you put in, right? <note sarcasm> i mean jobs that providers would be qualified for

don't get me wrong.. there are more then a fair share of educated, smart, savvy providers that could be a professional, an executive, but would they earn $75 an hour? would they earn $100? $200? most likely not.. and if they did, they would be busting it 40 hrs a week, week in and week out..
A person thinking they are better than $75 an hour.. wow.. sorry to the guys that work 40hrs a week, busting their asses, working over time.. to earn $20 an hour, then take the time to take that hard earned money and spend it on a fun escape from reality.. kudos to the guys that do it, unfortunately some feel earning that kind of money is beneath them
and to top all of it off.. its in ARKANSAS..not the income capital of the world.. the average income in 2008 was roughly 36k for arkansas or roughly someone making $17 an hour.. 40hrs a week..
yet $75 is beneath someone..