Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
Let's face it. The wrong that was done here, was there was no barrier between these groups. Knowing full well what would happen when such an event took place
Actually if you watch several video clips it DOES show there being those easy to kick down barriers in place..
Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
Taking down General Lee's statue sort of reminds me of the decision to remove the rebel flag portion from a few state flags. It's not to erase history, but to put negative seccessionism upon a pedestal is to keep those torches burning.
And what gets me is earlier today on Fox one liberal commentator was being interviewed going against a former Bush (jr) political advisor.. They were going back and fourth on the merit or no merit OF this agenda (to eliminate all trace of the confederacy) and the liberal guy said "hell yea. In fact once we are done going after all those statues, we will then set our sites on all the bridges, roads, schools, cemetarys and even military bases named for those people too..
To me this proves there will NEVER be enough things to eradicate to placate these liberals.. They will always find something new to be offended about that 'has to be destroyed/go' to further their agenda..
On a different site, someone said "Why not just have those wanting to keep the confederate statues, PAY to make a museum to house them in.." AND someone well known for his liberal outlook, said "HELL no, they must be destroyed. NOT praised or left in a museum.."
How can one negotiate or compromise with that sort of attitude?
Originally Posted by bambino
Why stop there? Burn down Monticello and destroy everything pertaining to Jefferson at UVA.
Hell why don't we blow up Mt Rushmore since at least two of them owned slaves (Jefferson and washington)..
Originally Posted by goodolboy
Fact is Antifa once again bused in people looking for a fight, it appears they found it.
Very true. I've even argued with some last night, that HAD IT NOT been for Antifata/the counter protestors showing up, DO THEY REALLY THING There would even have been any violence? OR media attention?
Not a one of the liberals i argued with bothered answering me..