Originally Posted by SillyGirl
You should be embarrassed.
Not liberal =/= conservative.
I have no idea why I'm even remotely surprised. None of you have any idea wtf you are talking about.
It is like arguing with a pack of downs.
Seriously? You never cease to amaze me. My niece has Down's and she's far from being stupid. You could learn a lot from her and she's only 11 yrs old.
You just don't know when to keep your mouth shut.
YOU'RE the one who should be embarrassed.
I don't care how hot the guys on this board think you are and I don't give a rats ass if you think your shit don't stink, cause darlin' it does.
How many more people are you going to offend on here? You've offended hobbyists, other providers and you've made it known that you think little of the people in this hobby.
You're an insensitive bitch and I know I'm not the only one who think's that.