Originally Posted by JamieYoung
The problem is with most girls, the money is so easy - it comes and goes almost daily, so it can be hard to save when you know you have the opportunity to make more the next day or on the weekend. You really have to be able to budget, save and be smart about it in order for it to be lucrative.
Howdy, Folks!
I know two ladies that are essentially my "adopted sisters"(their mother treats me and considers me her son, and I look upon her as my mom). One is 5 years older than me, one is 5 years younger(50 and 40, respectively).
The younger one got the older one into topless dancing about 20 years ago.
The younger one "gave it up," in favor of hustling some of her regular clients from those days; they still give her money(she refers to them as "meal tickets"). Her husband thinks it's funny, and is delighted that his wife can get men to give her money that he can then spend on buying things like bass boats.
The older one still dances - at 50 - in a place in Texas. She also informally provides to some of her clients(she confided this in me once; she has never told her mom).
Both of them informed me over the years about the "easy" money - the older daughter especially commented to me about the younger daughter(both women are in A-cup territory; the younger one got some Fantastic Plastic Bolt-Ons™ in the DD-cup range) and her ease of getting $500 a night by "simply waggling her appendages" at the fellows.
For BOTH ladies - those days are long gone.
the younger one is at least set up after a fashion with a husband and fellows that still give her money for nothing.
the older one lives in a un-air-conditioned shotgun shack alone, and is scared that she will spoon be homeless. At 50, those $300 to $500 a night are no longer happening.
[She told us recently that she was art the club dancing and a patron came up, put $20 in her G-string, and told her - "go get something to eat, and check into a hospital; you look terrible." The other patrons kinda wandered away, ashamed. She's actually in pretty good health - she's just 50 years old. She said it was shocking to her.]
A recent
week's take home pay for the older lady was about $100.
As a counterpoint - my sister(and myself, but I'm gonna use my sis as an example) worked at shit-ass jobs, lived on ramen from time to time, watched these two ladies driving Porsches and Ferraris while she drove 10 and 20 year old beaters, scrimped and saved, made investments.
Today, my sis has a pretty tidy nest egg, and we're both discussing comfortable retirements about 20 years before most people do.
L-O-N-G story short...
It doesn't matter HOW lucrative providing is; it matters on how you treat the money from providing - or any other job.
Then again - it will probably all end
kinda like this where those that don't plan ahead are concerned.