Originally Posted by bluester
I tried the razor thing... and I got ingrown hair bumps EVERYWHERE!! Used a good lather and applied aloe afterwards.. still got tons of bumps!!
I actually researched this online a few years ago and will share this synopsis:
Using a single-blade razor is less likely to cause ingrown hairs or razor bumps & you should rinse the blade between strokes. Also, using an essential oil or blend such as the product Shave Secret helps the blade glide across your skin rather than bumping along on the waxy soap residue. The oils soften the hair & skin & don't require rinsing! Eucalyptus oil is very soothing, too.
I have to come clean though... I use a Gillette Fusion Power w/ 4-blades myself, but I've been shaving for years. *Well, not for the past 6 mos, but before then!!! LOL* Once you've established a routine of shaving, your skin adapts except for those w/ very sensitive skin.