Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Step 1-make a thread. Step 2-get decepticons and have them pose as auto-bots (sshh don't tell Optimus Prime) Step 3- post misogynistic views Step 4-claim how popular you are. Recipe for burying all other threads and claim power over a sex board. Really showing that the person has no life and thinks sex is power,like (gaspe) the providers,so-N-so,claims to think like. So is so-N-so the real provider or a high-end-pimp?Mmmmm, I want to say pimp because all pimps get caught in the end.
Instead of "Robots in disguise " can we say "pimps in disguise" poor care bears and trolls. The 80's are tarnished!
Here are some steps you can take to make a good post.
So you read a thread and decide you should post on it.
Step 1. Ask yourself, do I have something to add to the conversation? Probably not, but you think you do, go to next step.
Step 2. Think about what you want to write for at least an hour. Ask yourself, will what I'm about to write make me look stupid? Probably will, but you think it won't, go to the next step.
Step 3. Write a draft on paper. Put the sentences in an order that a normal thinking person can comprehend. If you make a reference to something, make sure its something at least say 25% of normal people would get. Think you got it? Most likely not, but move to the next step.
Step 4. Click the reply button on the thread and type what you wrote earlier. Run spell check, Read it out loud. Does it make sense? Probably not but move to the next step.
Step 5. Smell test. Take your pointer finger and "fuck you" finger, hold them tight together. Lick them, and rub on the computer screen right in the middle of your post. Smell your fingers. Does it smell bad? I don't mean the smell of ass your smelling. The post, does it pass? If you think so move to the next step.
Step 6. Delete the post. Take your mason jar of Kool-aid,(cherry) and pour it on your computer. Find the biggest, heaviest thing you have, like a table and start bashing your computer against it. Toss it under a bus so it can get run over. Pour lighter fluid on it and toss your cigarette on it and watch it burn.
Follow these steps and you will be the best poster you can be.
Good luck!