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Old 05-23-2017, 09:42 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
There are many Muslims wearing uniforms today and have died in those uniforms protecting you & I. Muslims do not agree nor are they a violent religion. Terrorist's are terrorists. Should Christians be painted with the same brush as the KKK because the klan claims to be Christian?

I don't deny there are peaceful Muslims and Muslims that love and serve this country. But I stand by what I said the vast majority of Muslims support the terrorists or are too scared to stand up to them.

As far as comparing the Kkk and Christians to ISIS and Muslims is ridiculous. Their aren't Christian churches who openly preach hate and violence and recruit members to become Martyrs for God. But we do know for a fact there Mosques all across this planet particularly in shit hole countries that open preach intolerance and violence and recruit members to become martyrs for allaah and the pedophile Mohammad
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Old 05-24-2017, 05:29 AM   #17
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Surely you people aren't this fucking stupid? Just run over there and start killing a bunch of terrorist and once the current bunch are dead, no more will pop up in their place, right? How fucking daft can you be? You think these terrorist just randomly woke up one day and decided, "I'll try my hand at terror since nobody is retaliating against terrorists?"

They are politically motivated. And if a western nation public ally kill one, ten more will pop up in his place. And the goal of many of these organizations is to draw the US into wars and unpopular military actions in Arab lands so they can be one more popular than their political opponents. Fools like you play into their hands. You're their best hope and they play you and other idiots like you like a violin.
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Old 05-24-2017, 06:16 AM   #18
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good point TTH, and I agree with you.. problem is, you present a case for why we should not do certain actions, but are silent on what we should do. that is a common theme among left-leaning Individuals regarding all kinds of political matters.

so, what should we do? keep searching the purses of Caucasian Octogenarian females at US airports? yeah, that is a cheeky question, but also a ridiculous example of how we have failed to properly respond to terrorism.

one point I think is important regarding the whole subject of terror.. if you noticed, the radical Islamists use the word "Crusaders" to describe Christian Westerners. just as we have that negative term for them, radical Islam, they have what we consider a long-outdated term to describe us. our response is "that (the Crusades) was over a thousand years ago, get over it".. we feel that the last 50 years in America has seen a great explosion of inclusiveness, shared wealth, and social progression. they view us as morally degenerate, with misguided values.. e.g., spending 100+ Euros on a vapid Ariana Grande concert.

which is to say, we don't think alike.. they feel that gives them the right, in fact, the duty to destroy our civilization.

we used to think the same..

but that was over a thousand years ago.. get over it.
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Old 05-24-2017, 08:36 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Surely you people aren't this fucking stupid? Just run over there and start killing a bunch of terrorist and once the current bunch are dead, no more will pop up in their place, right? How fucking daft can you be? You think these terrorist just randomly woke up one day and decided, "I'll try my hand at terror since nobody is retaliating against terrorists?"

They are politically motivated. And if a western nation public ally kill one, ten more will pop up in his place. And the goal of many of these organizations is to draw the US into wars and unpopular military actions in Arab lands so they can be one more popular than their political opponents. Fools like you play into their hands. You're their best hope and they play you and other idiots like you like a violin.

When we kill one and 10 more pop up, we murder those too. When the current batch is dead, we shine our fucking boots until more pop up and then murder those.
Reload and repeat and so forth and so on.
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Old 05-24-2017, 08:43 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Reverseheadstock View Post
Maybe the jihadi terrorists are pissed off about Abu Kamal. Maybe they are still just self indulgent religious zealots that should be put down. Maybe they should be tracked and chased down like dogs in their dens. Maybe their dens should be turned into huge sheets of glass.
Just thinking. And i would never be caught at a concert like that vapid crap.

Eye to eye, sir.
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Old 05-24-2017, 09:14 AM   #21
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Green is 100% correct however counties there are very very Liberal just think open borders , Muslims have there own mini cities ( Paris ) were no one but Muslims are aloud in and on and on>
So they are soft targets , because of the Liberalism
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Old 05-24-2017, 11:30 AM   #22
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Most violence in history has stemmed from religion. Evil people use it on the weak minded to commit atrocious acts.

Should take all these thugs in the United States ...deport them and drop them off in the middle of these terrorist country with anti-Muslim logo tshirts, put cameras on them for a reality tv show (all proceeds go to help fight hunger). That way we don't have to feed them in the prison and they won't be preying on victims here.
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Old 05-24-2017, 02:08 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
When we kill one and 10 more pop up, we murder those too. When the current batch is dead, we shine our fucking boots until more pop up and then murder those.
Reload and repeat and so forth and so on.

Grean Im usually in agreement with 95% of what you believe. On this one Im just out of answers. I know when we went to Iraq we had less than 1,000 Al Quieda fighters. ISIS was be started in that Prision camp. They have no fight without us. If I was a muslim It would be asy for me to buy into theses Americans are hearing stealing our oil and trying to take away our culture. We have a reputation for genociding minirities for financial gain.

This really is a Muslim problem. We have been in Iraq and Afganistan for 15 plus tears. We broke it. Even Saddam Hussein said, " You people dont realize how difficult to govern these people, youll see:

To bad pick the Exxon Ceo as his Secertary of State, and Bush picked Cheneney as his VP. Kinda big time oil people. I guess its way over my head. Why arent we in these humanitarian wars where there is no oil?
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Old 05-24-2017, 02:36 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
If I was a muslim It would be asy for me to buy into theses Americans are hearing stealing our oil and trying to take away our culture.

So why are so many of these attacks in Europe instead of America?
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Old 05-24-2017, 04:57 PM   #25
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Europe and the Liberalism makes them soft targets (see above #21) and French England Sykes-Picot 1916 agreement that was never followed.
No good ways to stop fighting in middle east been going on from the start of time.
Lock down border no Muslims in and find deterrent ,lock and load push them back in their countries and give up the land in Sykes-Picot would be a good start.
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Old 05-24-2017, 06:41 PM   #26
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You win the old fashioned way, you kill them all until they no longer oppose or threaten you. Following Europe's lead on allowing mass unchecked immigration into the US is a big mistake and allows the terrorist to get a large foot hold. It has become clear how those policy's are working out for them in Europe.

I am not aware of any Christian terrorist attacks in recent history. But Islamic terrorism seems to be a common occurrence in recent times.

In regards to Chicago violence it seems to be limited to a few black neighborhoods. As hard as it is you must break the cycle of thugs raising more thugs. Cutting off their dependency on .gov would be a good start.

Problem is you kill them all and there are just as many sitting in the wings. If they don't have us there, we are invaders on their home front). Thats not a hard case to make. ISIS very similar to the Cartel in Mexico. Thugs with Police cover, political corruption and scaring the shit out of local law abiding residents Just people scared of thugs and crooked cop that feel they cant do anything

Same exact thing with the Crips and Bloods. Hell if I was in their shoes, I'm sure I would be a Blood, Crip or ISIS . We put pennies into the neighbor hoods, have no job training, inferior education and give these people no options
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Old 05-24-2017, 07:51 PM   #27
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Without the help of the Islamic leaders this is going to be long bloody battle. The same in Chicago, until the leaders in the community convince the silent majority that saying something is not being a RAT or TRAITOR! The comparisons to evil leaders is only half correct. What we need to be looking at silent majorities that live among the evil doers and say nothing. We have to find a way for them to see its in their best interest to speak up and protect those who do!

No matter what, it's going to be ugly and many of our liberties and human rights will be violated. Number one will be spying on mosques. We need to help Islam evolve into a modern religion.
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Old 05-24-2017, 11:19 PM   #28
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I was listening to this song tonight.. not exactly a parallel, but relevant to the subject.

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Old 05-25-2017, 08:04 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
I am not aware of any Christian terrorist attacks in recent history. But Islamic terrorism seems to be a common occurrence in recent times.
That is a misunderstanding that must be cleared up.

Just because the terrorists are from Arab nations and claim to be Muslims or of the Islamic faith doesn't mean they are Muslims. To quote The Donald, they are just "evil losers".

Muslims leaders around the world have loudly renounced the actions of the terrorists done in the name of God.

Once we take that from them and they realize that no one views them as Muslims that will be a HUGE victory.

It seems to be the human condition to want to put a familiar label on things. That's unfortunate because in this case, whatever adjective people put in front of it, be it radical or extreme, when Islam or Muslim is added as part of the label, the terrorists like that and get a win.

Stop giving them free wins.
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Old 05-25-2017, 08:34 AM   #30
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For every 1 Muslim that's not extreme, there is 9 that want to Keeel you , the religion damans that they "get there way" by any means
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