Originally Posted by fuyd369
Thanks for all the replies so far, keep 'em coming. Want to have all options on the table, so to speak.
plezer - If he involves a lawyer or the police, how does he keep from ramifications from the law for supporting the hobby? Also, wouldn't his wife find out for sure in those cases?
If he goes the lawyer route, the lawyer can discretely handle it, once he hires them, anything he discusses with them is privileged info, meaning the lawyer really can't discuss it with anyone but him without his permission. Also, the lawyer probably isn't going to care about them playing in the hobby years ago.
Depending on the cop, it would likely be the same discretion if he asked for it, especially if he spoke with a detective, they aren't going to care that he used to play as there is no proof of the crime, that is except for the extortion, and that is a much more serious crime.
If it were me, I would handle it with an attorney.