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You idiot that's a scene from a movie! Duh movies are not real they are like Fox News, they don't really mean anything so using them to prove a point is useless!
Movies are very influential, and stories can capture the public imagination to create a popular movement for change. Liberals use them to shape public attitudes and influence people, usually in a painful liberal direction.
Let me guess your one of those middle age white guys that drives a pick up truck full of conservative bumper stickers that you drive to the gun range daily. You believe racism is over blown and it's really the poor white guys just like you and your buds from the rodeo that are being taken advantage of. Your not a sexist but you believe your wife's place is in the kitchen, your not a racist or homophobic as long as they don't live in your neighborhood. You call yourself hammer cause nobody better mess with you, your a cowboy gosh darn it. So sad !
Someone should learn the difference between "your" and "You're", and "pick up" and "pickup".
You idiot that's a scene from a movie! Duh movies are not real they are like Fox News, they don't really mean anything so using them to prove a point is useless!
Right, it's from a movie glad you noticed that. It's called predictive programming. The entertainment industry and the media want racism and oppression. If Racism didn't exist the government wouldn't have any power over the masses. If there wasn't any poverty the government couldn't issue EBT cards to poor people. These things are done by design, it's modern day slavery. Blacks keep voting Democratic and they keep blaming whites for their oppression but the real enemy is the government for programming racism and promoting poverty. You keep barking up the wrong tree when it comes to racism. Try looking at the real culprits the Media, Entertainment Industry and the Government.
Someone should learn the difference between "your" and "You're", and "pick up" and "pickup".
I've already taken the Nutless Monkey to task for her poor grammar, run on sentences and (mostly) her gawd awful spelling. She can't help it though....that Pennsylvania pos public school education can only take you so far in life, right.
I've already taken the Nutless Monkey to task for her poor grammar, run on sentences and (mostly) her gawd awful spelling. She can't help it though....that Pennsylvania pos public school education can only take you so far in life, right.
Back to the rant of the Puttsburg Pussy ...
.. I'm waiting for Putin to pull their plug on the Space Station!
During the Reagan years the liberals fuckin' loved'em. They were having Gorbasms all over the place.
For those of you in Rio Linda, the Urban Dictionary...
"gorbasm -
The feeling that the American, and general western liberal elites in the media, politics and academia get when they contemplate all the actions of Mikhail Gorbachev--the man they credit with bringing peace to the world, mostly since they hate Ronald Reagan (That cowboy!) too much to credit him with the fall of the Soviet Union. Whether or not they see that development as a bad thing is another story in itself...
A Gorbasm, ladies & gentlemen, is fake. A Gorbasm is a phony feeling of bliss and euphoria. Mikhail Gorbachev was credited by the media, and by many liberals in this country, with preserving the peace and security of the planet threatened by warmonger Ronald Reagan, and with bringing freedom to Eastern Europe and what used to be the Soviet Union.
To me, the Reagan defense buildup showed that we could maintain a world-class defense and a first-class economy, and the Soviets crumbled trying to keep up.
The time for worldwide jubilation was the day the USSR disintegrated. Gorbachev’s ouster has given the best reason in the world to have that one final, but sincere, Gorbasm. For now that the communist regime has imploded, there truly is a chance for lasting peace."
No Shit, watch a 0zombie have a Gorbasm on stage...
there's no big deal about Russia except the one the libtards want to fabricate.
They lost a lot of folks in WWII so the Brits and us could make better headway in Europe. Did I mention their hot women?
FDR, Mr. Democrat, cut a bad deal before the end of The War, and the sell out cost a lot of Europeans dearly, and the survivors suffered for years. I think a measured, cautious approach to them is acceptable. Just don't expect them to watch our backs.
They lost a lot of folks in WWII so the Brits and us could make better headway in Europe. Did I mention their hot women?
they lost the most of any country. but they did so with US equipment otherwise they'd have lost. this doesn't mean Oillie Stone can claim the USSR won WWII. the USA won WWII. FACT.
those russkies fought like demons for two reasons .. one .. they hated the HUN (Germans) worse than they hated Uncle Joe. and they hated Uncle Joe. if the Nazis hadn't used a scorched earth policy they could have rallied millions of Russians to oppose Stalin. but they made it a cut and dry issue. fools.
regardless of what FDR did .. or didn't do .. at the end of WWII .. it was Churchill .. who while he had socialist tendencies .. is a figure in history i greatly admire. He was the ideal choice to succeed Chamberlain and his idiotic "appeasement" approach .. what a fool. history makes that not just 20/20 but 20/10 vision. bahha
then, when victory was near, Churchill .. as a product of Imperial Britain .. conspired with Stalin to divide up Europe .. and thus create the Cold War. imagine if that never happened??
far as i am concerned, Truman should have told the Russkies to GET THE F OUTTA EUROPE OR WE'LL NUKE MOSCOW ...
and done it if they didn't comply. along with doing what Patton wanted .. repatriot the German Army and point them East with the US Army right next to them. the easy way or the hard way. we should have done it
FDR, Mr. Democrat, cut a bad deal before the end of The War, and the sell out cost a lot of Europeans dearly, and the survivors suffered for years. I think a measured, cautious approach to them is acceptable. Just don't expect them to watch our backs.
and done it if they didn't comply. along with doing what Patton wanted .. repatriot the German Army and point them East with the US Army right next to them. the easy way or the hard way. we should have done it[/B]
Patton, he was murdered to shut him up.
He was talking too much about going against communist russia.
he was also planning to run for president. He sounded a bit like Trump.