Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Makes it no small wonder why there are only 5 states left where the dimretards hold a majority of Governorships plus State Legislatures.
5 out of fifty states!!!
And those are rapidly diminishing.
Until they wake up from their self-inflicted nightmare and realize it WASN'T THE RUSSIANS THAT BEAT THEIR ASSES AT THE POLLS, but instead their whiny, bitchy incompetence to select and support a viable candidate ... the will CONTINUE TO DIMINISH! They tried:
1. registering illegal aliens
2. stuffing ballot boxes
3. registering in more than one place to vote
4. trashing Trump
5. orchestrating a press blitz of fake news on Trump
6. belittling Trump's wife
7. publishing erroneous and distorting polls
8. lying about their fabrication of facts against their opponent
9. throwing the current President at Trump
10. assaulting and attempting to bribe electors
11. accusing the Russians
12. failing to assist in the transition
13. rioting
14. burning shit
15. screaming vulgar language
16. assaulting Trump supporters
17. boycotting the inauguration
18. delaying cabinet appointments
19. lying about cabinet appointees
20. filing frivilous lawsuits
21. raising hypocritical arguments against executive orders
22. insulting the LEGALLY ELECTED President of the United States.
It's all on video with audio for 2018 and 2020.. and beyond.