Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Claire, Claire, Claire.
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You seem to forget you and I have had a few mutual friends over the years, so knowing the shit I know there is nothing about you that could possibly intimidate me, but keep telling yourself that. If I were you I would think and choose my battles wisely. You're already gonna have your hands full with whispers and he's much nicer than I am. Monster is a very filthy fighter. And anyone who has been around long enough knows how to deal with you. It can be summed up in one word "Patience", I have no doubt that you are the same snake in the grass you've always been and it won't be too long before you turn on someone and get yourself into some kind of drama.
I will be nice and let you have the last word in this one since it's Friday ,
forbidden topic staff edit ynot But if I were you I would do as the English like to say and "Jog on".
See you around beautiful!!