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Old-Trollop, you should shut your whore mouth until the facts come out...
Being compared to eehhhbuhhhrrrr is not flattering...
False Flags in 0zombieland are a dime a dozen...
I have no reason to believe either candidate had anything to do with this. That wasn't my point at all.
But it seems there are enough facts out there to say: two cops were murdered, they know who did it, and they know at least some of the history between this guy and the local police.
Now before some of the local inmates over react, no, this certainly doesn't say all white guys are bad apples, so try not to claim that is my subliminal point. It isn't.
Originally Posted by Old-T
And just how do you propose to do that? I didn't realize that the nut who did the shooting was connected to either candidate?
You want your "message" to be "heard" loud and clear, right? Then make no mistake that the resurgence of the white nationalist movement inspired by the Trump candidacy must be decisively repudiated in this election cycle. If you are naive enough to pretend that this racist nut is merely another "isolated loner" like Dylan Roof, then you are sadly mistaken.
Oh my, you mean there is more than one article on this topic? Why yes, there was. And the confederate flag was mentioned in several of them. Feel free to do your own google search and I suspect you will find it quickly.
Thus you admit that it was your stupid-ass who stupidly and unnecessarily made flags an issue, Old-THUMPER; that's all you had to say.
Originally Posted by andymarksman
You want your "message" to be "heard" loud and clear, right? Then make no mistake that the resurgence of the white nationalist movement inspired by the Trump candidacy must be decisively repudiated in this election cycle. If you are naive enough to pretend that this racist nut is merely another "isolated loner" like Dylan Roof, then you are sadly mistaken.
Thus you admit that it was your stupid-ass who stupidly and unnecessarily made flags an issue, Old-THUMPER; that's all you had to say.
That is a stupid statement even by your really low standards.
Guy has run-in with the police about his display of a confederate flag at a football game.
Guy then murders two policemen.
No indication the run-in was about waving an American flag.
But IBMassa wanna expunge the confederate flag from the story. You are every bit as bad as the biased journalists you rip.
You want your "message" to be "heard" loud and clear, right? Then make no mistake that the resurgence of the white nationalist movement inspired by the Trump candidacy must be decisively repudiated in this election cycle. If you are naive enough to pretend that this racist nut is merely another "isolated loner" like Dylan Roof, then you are sadly mistaken.
If you think that--or anything else--will make me vote for the Psychopath you are wrong. No way I will ever vote for that. The two of them just pander to different hate groups.
That is a stupid statement even by your really low standards.
Guy has run-in with the police about his display of a confederate flag at a football game.
Guy then murders two policemen.
No indication the run-in was about waving an American flag.
But IBMassa wanna expunge the confederate flag from the story. You are every bit as bad as the biased journalists you rip.
Neither is there any indication that a flag made him murder two policemen, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by Old-T
By the way, IB, if you are having trouble with your research:
So you are arguing that he would have done what he did even if that "flag" had not been taken away from him in the first place?
LE didn't take any flag, Andy the Little Nazi Boy, and the individual in question had a history of run-ins with the law; so, your and Old-THUMPER's notion that a 'flag' caused this man to murder anybody is preposterous and serves to underscore how it's your blind destiny to remain a blithering idiot.
The man suspected in the shooting deaths of two Iowa police officers had been ordered by a judge to move out of his mother's home just hours earlier.
Court documents show a judge ruled Tuesday that 46-year-old Scott Greene had committed elder abuse against his mother, Patricia Greene, by "hitting and financially exploiting" her. Police suspect Greene in ambush attacks that killed two officers early Wednesday.