Originally Posted by jokacz
If I had Charlie's money I think I could find better looking women to hang with. I don't have his money and I do better than those two losers he has..
Originally Posted by quail
I agree. He is an ass and will eventually crash. No way that I would ever want to have a lifestyle like him. Yes he can buy expensive porn stars , but he is still just an ass with money.
I can not agree more, I have no idea why the Ladies like this asshole. Maybe because he has the money. I would rather stay in middle Class than be such a looser with Money. He is a train wreck ready to happen.
He is an alcoholic and the worst kind at that. He does not respect women, but clearly abusive in any relationship he had. But sad to say, a lot of women are attracted to the Money and not the person. Hay, maybe they are alcoholics too ?