Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Everyone knows Clarence Thomas wants to be white so bad he can taste it. LMAO ]
Mate, I happen to not be an American citizen, so I get to look at your country on a different view point. Especially shocking is the magnitude of a misinformed loud mouthed generation that exists here. You are a prime example of a mass black ideology group that argues like 7 year olds.
You have it so good here you cannot imagine. It is almost too good, because you are a weak stupid populace that is so easily manipulated it is appalling.
The good side of all this (heh) is that it can't last and it will come crashing down. The amount of money being printed and the corruption is staggering. You believe their is nothing wrong because POTUS tweeted you're OK.?
There is no reasoning with you, because to do so would mean you would have to be productive and contribute something of substance to the equation. Instead you idolize Kanye and a host of other dumbasses who have nothing to contribute to you and you quote their lyrics as the basis for the shit that comes from you.
I believe you are correct saying Clarence Thomas wishes he were white.... if being black is like you and your worthlessness. You can't grasp the idea that a black man would do you over like he has. He's a brotha... right? No way man, it's us against them. Grow a pair mate.
Ought to let bullying be legal again. Because when dumbasses like yourself rise up when they're young like this, the right kind of man can punch you in the nose, tape your li'l mouth shut and stuff you in the gym locker.