Originally Posted by ttmax
Did I misunderstand or is there an option for all providers to be able to post "up to five different cities?"
... that providers may post a single ad per week in the ad forums of as many as 5 cities. It is called marketing to a certain degree.
Always I have suggested to ladies in SA to consider also posting "reminder" ads in distant cities letting folks there know that if they plan to visit San Antonio to consider the poster's availability.
And, of course, many a lady has told me that these posts have also increased distant awareness and created traveling opportunities for them to be able to do business elsewhere.
Always any "distant" city ad should make it very clear that the poster is
where she is, which may not be the city in which the ad appears.
Quite often back when my travel schedule was more congested I would get to play with a San Antonio local visiting elsewhere where I was also visiting. Sometimes we even carpooled.