Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The problem, DSK, is that it is inevitable that inflation will spin out of control. That is a fact. Your property may increase in value, but you may need to trade it for a loaf of bread.
I agree with you insofar as that is what should happen in a rational world. I think the mitigating factor is every other government is running the same little trick, and everyone is watering down their currency (except for the Swiss, of course) to the point that the US currency is the good ole lesser of the evils.
So, I hedge in different ways, including some small amount of gold, real estate, backup generators and a gas tank to run it for two weeks. Plus, I have land in the countryside...food that stores for months, etc.
However, if the system doesn't collapse like it should, my real estate goes up, and I pay less in taxes. Plus, I raise my prices every year to compensate. This is the fucked up situation in this fucked up country that we have to deal with.