Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
this could easily begin the end of the EU. all across Europe, parties and movements already fed up with the EU are now calling for their own exit referendums.
in the UK, Scotland and Ireland could now vote to leave the UK since the majority of voters there wanted to remain in the EU. but what if the EU begins to crumble? there may not be an EU to stay in. what happens if Greece votes to leave? Or Spain? who get stuck holding the bag for all that bailout money? Germany? could Germany itself bail on the EU?
if the EU is disbanded, does it cause a global financial meltdown? probably. but if the EU has already failed then that's unavoidable. the EU was a ploy of the globalists and as such, was a total failure for the individual nations in it. they lost control of their destiny and just about every facet of their lives to the EU elitists.
the UK had enough and rejected the European attempt at the New World Order. now the rest of Europe will do the same. the EU will begin to crumble. the first domino has fallen, the rest coming.
Whoa, curb your enthusiasm, Kid!
The EU isn't on the verge of crumbling or disbanding. It isn't just a “ploy of the globalists” and it certainly hasn't been a “total failure for the individual nations in it”. Let's keep everything in perspective. The EU has in fact helped keep the peace in Europe since WW2. It helped win the Cold War. How? By fostering free trade among its members and boosting living standards in the EEC (as it was called then) far above those prevailing behind the Iron Curtain. At the time the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, per capita income in West Germany was 3-4 times higher than in East Germany. And East Germans knew it from watching West German TV, so they asked – why? Remember Nixon's famous "kitchen debate" with Khrushchev where he said "we will bury you"? The EU helped us bury Soviet communism.
It all started out modestly with the Treaty of Rome in 1957 creating a customs union with 6 nations. The core players were always France and Germany. Britain was a reluctant suitor (plus de Gaulle blocked their membership) and didn't join until 16 years later in 1973. As a common market/customs union, the EEC was a big success for its first 40 years. After the Cold War ended, it became a much more ambitious project. Eventually the EU over-extended itself by admitting most of the former Soviet bloc states, launching a common currency, abolishing passport controls (within the Schengen area) and letting Eurocrats run wild imposing intrusive laws and regulations on everyone.
Just because we both welcome the shock that Britain's vote has dealt to the Euro-meddlers and the political class in Europe doesn't mean anyone wants to see the EU collapse. The only asshole who would cheer that outcome would be Putin. He considers Russia's loss of its former East European satellites to be the “greatest geo-political catastrophe” of the 20th century. The Ukraine crisis started because Putin didn't want Kiev to sign an association agreement with the EU two years ago. Even though the Russian economy is a crony kleptocracy and Putin has little to offer anyone, he wouldn't hesitate to fish in the troubled waters of a collapsed EU.