I'm glad that your penis is getting better.
Just a thought. I guess that I'm different but I find that speaking of body parts in the third person to be ... unappealing.
And that applies to men to refer to MY private areas in the third person as well. For whatever reason, it bothers me.
Am I unique with that? Oh ... I might have started a thread drift without meaning to. Just ignore my question!!!
Let us know if you continue to heal. I've had quite a bit of experience with men "hitting bottom" and I've never known it to cause bruising.
Why can't guys just call their dick .. well, their penis/cock or whatever vernacular is being used? (The only exception that I find cute, while thinking about it, is the '3" of dangling death.' But that has been over-presented a bit, I believe!)
I'm no longer a spelling nazi and really don't like it when others are correcting grammar, etc. (I know. I've changed!
) Guess that is a little bit of verbiage that still causes me pause.
Happy Father's Day!