[QUOTE=Munchmasterman;105834363 6]
You understanding or believing one of my posts has never been a condition for that post being true.
Your inability to locate links or your lack of knowledge about an author has never been a condition of my posts being true.
You don't know who Robert Farley is but you won't click on the link of his name. Your limits limit you. Not us.
You flat out didn't read the story.
Why would you? Since I don't chew up the information and projectile vomit the large amount of available info down your gaping gullet, you fail the simplest test again. Vetted information, placed before you. And you ignore it.
Sorry it's not the chum you expected.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sorry but Hillary is the one. I don't know who Robert Farley is and you don't tell us but he's just wrong. No fucking link showing anything that refutes.. Too many stories already out there about how the birther movement came out of Chicago and the Hillary offices.Accepts unconfirmed stories as fact. Because you say he's just wrong. I bet you think wrestling is real as well. And the final desperate move of the douche-bag with no credible info of any kind, "I bet you think wrestling is real as well."
What a flaming asshole. Well refuted.
You did the best you could It's no where near good enough.
Accept it. We have.
I see why trump's biggest supporter said, "We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated,"
Was it, 1 David Duke
2.............fuck it.
We all know trump said it.
Actually, I did look him up and I'm not surprised by what I found. As for reading it...if someone served you a third and called it a California Roll, would you eat it? My guess is that you would put some soy sauce on it and enjoy.