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Old 06-12-2016, 12:49 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You, Old-THUMPER, would be one of the brain-dead lib-retards fantasizing that Islamic fundamentalists would never kill faggots because they are faggots, and you'd be one of the brain-dead, moronic lib-retards who believes that an open immigration policy doesn't have a negative impact on American employment and wages. Those are irreconcilable notions that only brain-dead lib-retards like you can hold, Old-THUMPER.
Why look at this! IB jumps in and makes a typical IBStupid post that doesn't address anything of consequence.

As you are so want to say: Citations, please!
--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?

You can't--but then again you really don't care if you lie a few more times. It has never stopped you in the past. So what if you tell three more lies now--it is what we all expect of you anyway.
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Old 06-12-2016, 12:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
So, gonad, since you seem to agree with JD then maybe you can stay on topic and answer the question: what does that have to do with "artificial outrage"? Are you claiming that only RWWs like you can have "real" outrage?

Not that I actually expect you to answer--no, you are far more likely to toss out more non sequitur lies like your knife comment above. But then you have earned that low expectation for your posts.
You are hysterical. My post is about Dim progressives like you not recognizing the intolerance of a religion that you want the practitioners of to stream into this country. It has little to do with "false outrage."

Take a deep breath and your reading comprehension might improve. Go back and reread JD's OP.
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Old 06-12-2016, 01:04 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
You are hysterical. My post is about Dim progressives like you not recognizing the intolerance of a religion that you want the practitioners of to stream into this country. It has little to do with "false outrage."

Take a deep breath and your reading comprehension might improve. Go back and reread JD's OP.

He, like the rest of them, believe they can engage the conservatives in a "debate" and thereby avoid the obvious need to rethink their bullshit attitude.
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Old 06-12-2016, 01:12 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

As far as we seem to know, this guy was a natural born American.
Whether this guy was "natural born" or not doesn't even address the issue. Here is THE ISSUE, and if this guy IS NATURAL BORN, it even underscores THE ISSUE ...

.. it is OBVIOUS this morning that the Federal Government (overloaded with "resources") CANNOT keep track of those persons in this country who are plotting to slaughter persons in this country in a "mass attack," SOOO...

.. why on Earth does that same Government open the doors to allow MORE POTENTIAL THREATS into this country?

The citizens are the ones dying from the crazy bastards ... not the decision makers!

We know what difference she'll make!!!!
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Old 06-12-2016, 01:51 PM   #20
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Radical Islam verses Gay rights? Sounds like the under card for Kovalev vs. Mohammedi.
How does this apply to the rest of your post? Is this the choice you're babbling about? That the left has to choose between gay rights and radical Islam? Do you mean religious freedom with a religion which has to be okayed by you?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Not to make light of the loss of life last night but it does beg the question, which way should the left come down on this. That seems to be a constant problem with the left. If you want to elevate everyone OVER everyone else then who gets to have equal rights. The right has no such problem. We know that life takes precedence over religious beliefs (especially if we don't agree that they are a religion).

We shall know what we will know about this little piece of crap in Florida. This and the following are the only things you said that make sense. I would add "When we know it." to that.

Self radicalized? A plant? Part of a larger group? Where else can it happen? Anywhere.




Cue the artificial outrage...
I didn't even get a chance to say cue the douche-bag reaction to a national tragedy. Or I should say a tragedy to some.

Certainly not this one. In his steel trap mind it's an issue of how will a political faction in the US react to this act of terrorism. Not the slightest sign of sympathy for the victims or the families of the victims.
Just a burning desire to be the first asshole to exploit the situation for personal use. He feels no personal risk because he knows the gay bar he frequents in Kansas is well down the list.
And what is the burning question he sees rising from these ashes?

"Which way should the left come down on this. (?)" He goes on to supply his personal feelings as official positions for the left and right. He speaks about the denial of rights to some groups. No clear thoughts and the "sides" he appears to offer as choices are the (supposed) left side and the (supposed) right side with all the faults and virtues each side has...according to him.

Sorry Charlie. It's never as simple as you make it sound and the questions you ask seldom have anything to do with a solution.
Since I have no outrage, artificial or otherwise, I'm going to pass on your cue.
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Old 06-12-2016, 02:01 PM   #21
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Shame you weren't there gay rey,.

And I was hoping to hear that YOU and YOUR butt buddy assup piggy mamboolah were there for the fireworks ! Does this mean that YOU and assup will be flying the rainbow fag flags at YOUR gloryholes at half staff in memory of YOUR fag buddies ? Mebbe YOU and assup could offer to do a fudge packing fund raiser to help the fags with burial expenses and pick some extra dingle berries for YOUR fag buddies !!!!
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Old 06-12-2016, 02:16 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Whether this guy was "natural born" or not doesn't even address the issue. Here is THE ISSUE, and if this guy IS NATURAL BORN, it even underscores THE ISSUE ...

.. it is OBVIOUS this morning that the Federal Government (overloaded with "resources") CANNOT keep track of those persons in this country who are plotting to slaughter persons in this country in a "mass attack," SOOO...

.. why on Earth does that same Government open the doors to allow MORE POTENTIAL THREATS into this country?

The citizens are the ones dying from the crazy bastards ... not the decision makers!

We know what difference she'll make!!!!
For the "natural born", how do we keep track of someone we don't know exists? The only way to keep all terrorists who were foreign born from entering the US is to end immigration and bar all nonresidents from entering the US. There are not enough resources to check the life background of every person entering the US

"Customarily people who shout erroneously believe that a louder voice improves communication, because, as you, the speaker is not able to communicate with the person TO WHOM they are attempting to communicate. That probably works for you around weak minded, wimps, but it shows your ignorance and inability to communicate ideas on an equal playing field." Lexus Lover
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Old 06-12-2016, 02:46 PM   #23
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
And I was hoping to hear that YOU and YOUR butt buddy assup piggy mamboolah were there for the fireworks ! Does this mean that YOU and assup will be flying the rainbow fag flags at YOUR gloryholes at half staff in memory of YOUR fag buddies ? Mebbe YOU and assup could offer to do a fudge packing fund raiser to help the fags with burial expenses and pick some extra dingle berries for YOUR fag buddies !!!!
Shame you weren't there gay rey.

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Old 06-12-2016, 02:53 PM   #24
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Why look at this! IB jumps in and makes a typical IBStupid post that doesn't address anything of consequence.

As you are so want to say: Citations, please!
--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?

You can't--but then again you really don't care if you lie a few more times. It has never stopped you in the past. So what if you tell three more lies now--it is what we all expect of you anyway.
You'd be the lib-retard liar trying to deny your previously stated positions, Old-THUMPER ... as well as your votes for politicians who support exactly those irreconcilable positions.
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Old 06-12-2016, 03:00 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
If they don't want to get shot they need to post signs, but then that would be racism, would it not?
They could have posted a "Gun Free Zone" sign. Don't we ever learn.

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Old 06-12-2016, 03:14 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You'd be the lib-retard liar trying to deny your previously stated positions, Old-THUMPER ... as well as your votes for politicians who support exactly those irreconcilable positions.
Typical IB. Can't actually answer the question so he burps and belches and shouts to try and hide that he is--once again--an abject failure.

To remind you of the questions:
"As you are so want to say: Citations, please!
--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?"

I know your will flail and rant some more--yet still not provide your beloved citations--however that will make you none the less a liar.

It isn't an issue of who I voted for--even if you did know my voting record. It is an issue of you belching gross falsehoods and being called on it.
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Old 06-12-2016, 03:20 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Typical IB. Can't actually answer the question so he burps and belches and shouts to try and hide that he is--once again--an abject failure.

To remind you of the questions:
"As you are so want to say: Citations, please!
--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?"

I know your will flail and rant some more--yet still not provide your beloved citations--however that will make you none the less a liar.

It isn't an issue of who I voted for--even if you did know my voting record. It is an issue of you belching gross falsehoods and being called on it.

You'd be the liar, Old-THUMPER, and you've just witnessed in Orlando how irreconcilable one of your asinine, lib-retard positions is.
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Old 06-12-2016, 03:30 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
For the "natural born", how do we keep track of someone we don't know exists? The only way to keep all terrorists who were foreign born from entering the US is to end immigration and bar all nonresidents from entering the US. There are not enough resources to check the life background of every person entering the US

At this point, can you understand the prudence of Mr. Trump proposing to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States until we can sort all this shit out? We need to take the time to background check everybody in this fucking country, even guys like me and you if needed, and not waste government resources on attempting to screen all the new applicants for citizenship, unless they pay us a huge amount of money to do so.

Fuck, if you boys would ban immigration for a couple of years, I'd agree to a temporary ban on AR-15's. Fuck, I'd even turn in all of mine to stop immigration, as long as I got their market value, of course. My patriotism only goes so far....
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Old 06-12-2016, 03:31 PM   #29
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IB, of course you can't figure out which one of "my" positions that is, can you.

Sorry--you saying that I support some position doesn't work--FIND THAT CITATION!

Pathetic little loser--you can't win any argument without grand pompous lies, can you?
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Old 06-12-2016, 03:32 PM   #30
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You'd be the liar, Old-THUMPER, and you've just witnessed in Orlando how irreconcilable one of your asinine, lib-retard positions is.
Hey chimp chump, your daddy has been found. Get him a fathers day present!!!

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