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Old 06-07-2016, 04:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by SA Angel View Post
I feel bad for you but at the same time I'm frustrated that you aren't saying who the offender was.

Unless this is just you being passive agressive and seeing if she'll make good, you really should post about this in HER local private men's area. You aren't trying to hurt her business (and you won't) but it might save the next schmuck from trying to play Captain-Save-A-Ho with a woman who won't be grateful or uphold her side of the agreement.

Expecting a little honesty outside of the bedroom shouldn't be like trying to find a unicorn. Not all providers are scam artists and not all hobbyists are trying to take advantage of the women. Until the community starts demanding better behavior and making offenders accountable for thier actions then nothing will change.
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Old 06-07-2016, 05:46 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by slickahhughs View Post
First off it is not money it is signing financial liability sponser papers for imagration which means , ,,,
Well read the coma,S.

Head injury among others .

I Burnt in so hard I bounced twice when I hit the ground I only remember bouncing once severe red out shattered ankles detached inner ears brain swelled i got fucked up bad Etc etc so fuck your comas

,,,,, ,,,,,,, , I had to learn even who I was all over again for some things let alone sentence structure

I don't need to make excuse, s

Fuck you tuff guy

Thanks for your reply
Slick, don't bother replying to Ed,,,I read your post and it made perfect sense,,maybe Ed could use his post rating score card again to insult me...if he don't get 10000 by December we all have to suffer the consequences, in my opinion you have (inadvertently) entered into a complicated situation with this hooker,,,there is no shame in how you feel, that's me anyway, I refuse to hold my head in shame based on my emotions for someone---shake it off--seriously take a break--your experiences are way more important to this board then to put all the effort toward her.
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Old 06-07-2016, 06:00 PM   #18
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Slick, Please take a look at your private messages. I wrote something here and then realized it was something that I shouldn't post in public.
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Old 06-07-2016, 06:36 PM   #19
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Arrow THIS....

Best reply yet!

LOL...read it just before the edit obviously.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Slick, Please take a look at your private messages. I wrote something here and then realized it was something that I shouldn't post in public.
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Old 06-07-2016, 06:46 PM   #20
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Thanks Alaine!
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:10 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by SA Angel View Post
I feel bad for you but at the same time I'm frustrated that you aren't saying who the offender was.
Probably 95% of the time a guy posts a gripe about a provider they won't say who it is. Pretty much makes it pointless.
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Old 06-07-2016, 11:07 PM   #22
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slick, there is giving a provider money hoping that something will cum out of it.

and there is putting your nuts on uncle sam's line (immigration sponsorship??) for a provider - regardless of hoping something cums out of it.

in both case, ESPECIALLY the latter, due diligence is very important.

so assuming you did something like the latter,
would you have done the same for some woman you met at a taqueria, a hookah lounge, a kimchi oparlor, vodka bar WITHOUT understanding what you were getting into???

if so, i hope you learned the lesson and, more importantly, apply it the next time something like this presents itself to you!!!
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Old 06-07-2016, 11:49 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by slickahhughs View Post
I would like the communities opinion on this

So if as a hobbiest a provider you hardly knew needed your help and you were able to help her but it would put you on the hook [no pun intended ] for her that meant major finacial liability on your part with big brother .

Mind that you would be asking nothing for doing this

But she would be so grate full that she will fuck my brains out for the rest of my life. And she won't even fuck me once at half price..... Blah Blah Blah .... Wa Wa Wa

I deserve what i get for trusting ... and being a true gentleman ...

yep i get that .
Okay, so you want the ECCIE community's opinion. What other communities are you addressing?

Help me understand. Does "hobbiest" mean the one who is the most hobby, as in hobby, hobbier, and hobbiest?

"Asking nothing" means just that. It does not mean expecting her to show her appreciation by giving you sex.

You don't get it!! You were conned, because you weren't a gentleman. You were willing to go to great lengths at great risk to get fucked. And, fucked you were. I reduced much of your rant-rave-rambling babble because it was unintelligible. My version implies that you did this because you wanted your brains fucked out. Well, it was too late. You had been freed of any gray matter long before you met your con artist.

You didn't start this because you want our opinions. What you want is "poor baby". I think you need to talk to your mommy.

Originally Posted by Ed Highlight View Post
Just offering my opinion, as asked by the OP (Slick - that's a good one!):

I can tell, as I struggled to read (not my issue, btw) your inarticulate rant that, you are, indeed, a moron!! (I figured I'd use a lot of commas so you could enjoy this).

I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to your own question so, I'll make this quick. You suffer from a whole lotta dumb ass!!

(P.S. Have you ever won the Nigerian Lottery?? If you did, I "think she is be very grate full"!!)
Remember, this is the guy who uses "are" for the following: or, our, hour, ore, oar and who knows what else. He only does it once in this thread, because it's the only place any of those words apply. "Is it just me are do you think ..."

In this thread, he shows that he doesn't know the difference between "comma" and "coma". Neither does he understand when to use an apostrophe.

In other threads, for some unknown reason, he inserts a comma before the trailing "s" in plurals. He would have said plural,s. ..."
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Old 06-08-2016, 12:20 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by slickahhughs View Post

....you want to be first app .....
You want to be her first application??????
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Old 06-08-2016, 05:08 AM   #25
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Default Zactly!!!!

Originally Posted by PsychedelicMut View Post
....You didn't start this because you want our opinions. What you want is "poor baby". I think you need to talk to your mommy......
I'm with you Mutman!! Not sticking around for the pity-party...I'm out...
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Old 06-08-2016, 02:55 PM   #26
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I am so sorry this happened baby
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Old 06-09-2016, 12:24 PM   #27
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She must be tighter than a rubber vise.
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Old 06-10-2016, 10:59 AM   #28
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The thing about people who "stick out their hand". Sometimes it gets bitten. This does not mean, never stick out your hand again. While it appears more may bite, it's because we whine and complain more when that happens rather than sing our own praises when it's actually satisfying and helpful to do so. Be assured that most are grateful and behave accordingly and out of gratitude when someone actually sticks out their hand in a time of need. You allowed her to go on and on disappointing your expectations that you claimed were non existent. It's Ok to say you have no expectations when you actually don't. Maybe she was testing that theory. Maybe you chose to help someone who is used to others helping her and has no gratitude, but rather expects it happen when she asks, and maybe because it always has.

Say what you mean and mean what you say, or else yeah...you might feel as though you got bitten. But, did you set yourself up to be? The minute you felt disappointed by her actions or lack there of, should have been the minute you realized you actually did expect her to behave in a certain manner concerning you and your favors, and possibly, you should have said something to her about those. There is no shame in sharing those. Many here tell us exactly what they expect and we in turn, let them know we can meet their expectations or not. Someone with no expectations, promises or not, should not be offended when another does not follow through.

Not everyone is grateful for the kind actions of others. Many have no idea how to show gratitude or even that it might be in their best interest to learn how to show it and then do so...often.
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Old 06-10-2016, 12:03 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by slickahhughs View Post
I would like the communities opinion on this

So if as a hobbiest a provider you hardly knew needed your help and you were able to help her but it would put you on the hook [no pun intended ] for her that meant major finacial liability on your part with big brother .

Mind that you would be asking nothing for doing this

But be advised of how grate full she tell,s you she will be and that you are told by her she will make time for you every day she comes to town and spells it out several different ways to you and uses words like -For sure -I promise - i wouldnt lie to you-

So you go ahead and get every single thing done that needed to be done for her and it involves alot and i mean every single thing about your life Period .

You even book with her way ahead of time knowing she needs $ and you tell her you want to be first app when she gets to your town she finally gets to your town and you pick her up its early call it 7 pm all she wants to do is go to her room she says she is tired .Wont even go have one beer with you and doesnt invite you in to her room .

You drop her off knowing you have app with her in morning

You get text from her 10 pm saying I PROMISE we will go to dinner tomorrow night that she took nap and is not tired now .But she tells you she wants her privacy and does not want you over .

So you wait till morning she tells you she has app right after and you are on the clock at full boat [ ok i understand ] I understand this doesnt sound great
full at all

She blows off dinner with you she promised to have with you and says you can have her LAST APP at FULL PRICE with her the next day before she leaves .\

This of course after you sign the papers putting you on the hook for her financially No if and and buts about it to big brother .

Is it just me are do you think that she is be very grate full and that i should just be lucky i get to be blessed by her presence .?????

I already know how i would feel what say you .????

Oh yah you ask for a discount and tell her you dont want to be last app who would want to be in last place and is that all she thinks your time and liability is worth

She says OMG what guy would ask that .?

No other guy would say such thing

Yep lucky to just be in her presence ...

I deserve what i get for trusting ... and being a true gentleman ...

yep i get that .

I read your old posts they seemed like you was smart. Then you had the wreck.

I think you can get that govment agreement broken up by a lawyer caus you had a head injury and that girl took advantage.

She was taken advantage of your mental condition and that shit don't fly
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