Originally Posted by Mythos
You know this is the internet where everyone is 10 feet tall. You know this is a dog eat dog world. You know you can turn a blind eye to the haters, thieves amd backstabbers. Understand the animal you are dealing with and you will know how to handle it. .
Now, pull your big girl pants up and get back to doing your thing.
I used to get upset; I honestly feel at this stage in my life, it is down to maturity (age) and just having done this for as long as I have, that none of it gets to me. Honestly, I see some the crazier posts and it all just makes me laugh at this point, ha!
Please don't take it personally in me calling you young or inexperienced, but after being a part of this circus for so long, you learn how to drown out all the crazies and those who seek to only create drama. Much like real life.
Hunny, forget these men (and some ladies) who post ridiculousness. Imagine what kind of lives they must lead if they have to come onto a hooker board and insult people through text, that they have never even met.
Also, some gents are truly just a bit on the abrasive side, and have a strong male-ish sense of humor, so you DO have to have some thick skin in order to take on the wolves, in this biz. That doesn't mean you have to be a hard bitch or anything like this, but being a provider is
not for the faint of heart.
The only thing that matters is yourself, your clients, and your business.
There are many different types of providers in Houston, many different types of clients. If you focus on yourself and your service and creating a rep for yourself and present yourself well, it will drive only the right types of clients to you. You will get in your groove and life will be sweet. You'll have awesome and fun experiences with awesome and fun gents.
If you're makin' that money and having fun at the same time, what more could you ask for?
Ignore the naysayers and don't use even one second of your energy on considering their absurdities.