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Old 02-04-2011, 02:05 PM   #16
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I still don't know what the problem is. I went to work like any other day but of course there is no reason to be there when public is too scared to show up so we closed early and went home , again ,with no problem at all.
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Old 02-04-2011, 03:09 PM   #17
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Yeah, its even worse in Dallas were it doesn't ice over enough for the idiots to learn to drive on it. I saw were a 18 wheeler spent the night on an overpass here in Houston because he started to jack knife. Waited until the sand trucks came this morning. Smart.

Oh, and next time wear a condom.
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Old 02-04-2011, 03:15 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Htowner View Post
I still don't know what the problem is. I went to work like any other day but of course there is no reason to be there when public is too scared to show up so we closed early and went home , again ,with no problem at all.

You mean to tell us that it's so cold to buy French Fries?
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Old 02-05-2011, 04:00 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by carkido45 View Post
Some people have emergencies ...like someone I just talked too has a ultra sound test for a possible breast cancer situation.
1. There are a bunch of folks at the cemetary who don't need ultra sound.
2. "ultra sound test for a possible breast cancer situation" is NOT emergency.

Getting her out of a raven after sliding off the freeway IS!
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Old 02-05-2011, 04:04 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by yngtxn View Post
ppl don't know how to keep their distance. ...
"they" don't when there IS NO ICE....
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Old 02-05-2011, 06:54 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
1. There are a bunch of folks at the cemetary who don't need ultra sound.
2. "ultra sound test for a possible breast cancer situation" is NOT emergency.

Getting her out of a raven after sliding off the freeway IS!
True but she made it to the hospital and everything went better than expected she waited a lil until the ice melted.

800 hundred accidents yesterday so it was smart to stay off the streets a lil while.
I didn't go running errands until after after 11:00am and didn't have any problems.
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Old 02-05-2011, 07:19 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Mr Clever View Post
I gave everyone off. I showed up.

Wanna hear something funny.....its too icy to drive. So, don't come to work...Two showed up for their checks.

Go figure.

Those would be the first two to be fired, RIFed, or laid off.
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Old 02-05-2011, 09:09 AM   #23
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I wound up going in around noon,causeway was still a little slick, but I needed to be there to get some important spring ordering done. Called employees, before hand and told them I would have their pay ready if they needed it. All said they would be in today, they did not want to chance it either. I know things are tough right now, but if I had a boss or supervisor that "made" me come in, unless your some type of emergency personell, i'd be looking for a new place to work. I also think it depends on how far you have to drive also, myself I drive 35 miles one way, that makes a difference also. I guess in my opening statement I did not take into account a lot or bosses are not as considerate as myself, I'm really not as big a prick as I make out to be. Lol
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Old 02-05-2011, 03:03 PM   #24
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As a boss I have always tried to make two things clear to anyone that works for me.
1: I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself. I've proved that by example time after time.
2: Your family should be the most important part of your life. I understand that they come first, always....Your job gives you the means to take care of your family. How you handle that relationship says everything about your character.
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Old 02-05-2011, 03:49 PM   #25
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There are bosses that will do things that put their own safety at risk. Just because they are willing to put themselves in harms way doesn't mean they should expect the people under them to do the same. I'm not saying you guys do this, it's just my opinion. This happens in my field all the time. And the statement "you should find another job" is easy to say and much harder to do in this day and time trust me.
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Old 02-05-2011, 07:15 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
As a boss I have always tried to make two things clear to anyone that works for me.
1: I will never ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself. I've proved that by example time after time.
2: Your family should be the most important part of your life. I understand that they come first, always....Your job gives you the means to take care of your family. How you handle that relationship says everything about your character.
Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
There are bosses that will do things that put their own safety at risk. Just because they are willing to put themselves in harms way doesn't mean they should expect the people under them to do the same. I'm not saying you guys do this, it's just my opinion. This happens in my field all the time. And the statement "you should find another job" is easy to say and much harder to do in this day and time trust me.
Boardman, truer words have never been spoken as well as yours!
EA. Again I should have phrased my words more carefully, as to me this is a serious subject, even though on here I'm very seldom serious. There is a distinct difference between looking, which I said and finding. I learned a long time ago some wise words from my grand father, it's always easier to find a job , when you already have a job, and if your not happy with your job you will not put forth your best effort.
You, or other people here probably won't believe this but I have resigned from good paying jobs, and gone to work for less money somewhere else, for one reason or another , mainly peace of mind.
I have been very fortunate since I got out of college 35 years ago, I've either been management, or owner for several companies in my field. When working ,my first priority are my customers, second my employees, and I'm at the bottom of the list. Your customers pay the bills, your employees make the customers happy with the services or products you provide. Agood boss just makes sure everything runs smoothly, and everyone is happy. My last high profile job, I was production manager of a company that had a terrible reputation, within 4 months I brought new customers in, got old customers back increased sales 400k over the previous year, even in a lousy economy. The employees at first thought I was some wack job, because i'd get right out there and work with them, it did not take long I earned their respect, and they would bust their asses for me,I always complemented them on a job well done, never asked them to do anything I would not do, and I am twice their age. I've never had to ask for a raise, and gotten plenty of them, by my performance. Iguess what I should say is I'm old school, when it comes to work ethics, and I'm probably naive, about what and how other employers treat their employees. I always follow the golden rule when it comes down to it, it also sounds like Boardman is in the same boat as me when it comes to this,(yea. Yea I know cats don't like water). Lol. Anyhow EA, I hope I got my point across a little clearer, ever though this is a long rambling fucking rant. And to point blank answer your question I'm am very well aware of how hard it is to find a good job, you think the economy is bad now it is nowhere near as bad as the mid to late 70's, early 80's.
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Old 02-05-2011, 11:48 PM   #27
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Oh I know and I really wasn't taking any shots at you as much as I was just making a statement. If you run your business that way then you are definitely a better employer than most of the ones I've worked for. Fortunately I haven't been without a job once in 10 years. Being your own boss makes things much better cause you get to choose what's right and wrong. I will here soon also be my own boss as well
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Old 02-06-2011, 01:23 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
... Being your own boss ... you get to choose what's right and wrong.
... and get the "left-overs".... There is always a price for "independence"!
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Old 02-06-2011, 05:38 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
Oh I know and I really wasn't taking any shots at you as much as I was just making a statement. If you run your business that way then you are definitely a better employer than most of the ones I've worked for. Fortunately I haven't been without a job once in 10 years. Being your own boss makes things much better cause you get to choose what's right and wrong. I will here soon also be my own boss as well
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
... and get the "left-overs".... There is always a price for "independence"!
LL. In many circumstances that may be true, but I think it depends on the field you are in and the kind of reputation you have built up or (fucked up).

EA, my best wishes on your future endeavor. Keep these things in mind(I'm being serious again) you will put in twice the amount of time to keep things successfull.there are lots of "hidden" costs employees don't realize, but are costs just the same.
Yes, you get choose right and wrong, but that ultimate decision will be dictated by your customers. My second employer here in texas, and who became one of my best freinds, and golfing buddies taught me many things, first and formost, if a customer has a problem, fix it quickly, and correctly, no bs, even if I cost you money. Customer satisfaction is first and formost. Good customers will overlook the ocasional screw up, as long as you address it quickly, and to their satisfaction. He always said "do whatever it takes".
If and when you get to the point where you have employees, find the best people available for the pay scale. My first employer here once told me and some other supervisors, everyone is replaceable, my response was yes, but some people are very hard to replace! He went out of business 3 years later, and wound up working for me later, he developed a much different attitude, for the better, I might add.
This will be the last on this rant of mine, learn from your customers, competitors, and employees. I have trained myself to listen and observe both good and bad from them, and adjusted my way of doing and thinking accordingly. I have learned just as much by observation also.
Son of a bitch, I can't believe I did 3 serious posts in a row, what the fuck is wrong with me? Guess, I'm getting old, and senile. Lmao
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