Originally Posted by Analeese
No system is perfect.. somehow bad seeds just slip through the cracks... part of it is because of replies like the guy above giving directions on how to bypass Gina's screening. Gina makes sure we are safe..hobbyist and providers. Gina requires all providers to send multiple pictures of government issued ID next to your face even...so you guys are not alone in giving your real world info. I can appreciate a person wanting to be discreet... however for me..when someone is unwilling to submit to screening it's an immediate red flag. A person with nothing to hide or no bad intentions would be more willing to prove that imho. It's not true for everycase but it's easy to spot. Example: a provider might request that any requests or communication be initiated from here or p411 or date check ect.. because it allows us to start screening from that very moment..most hobbyist follow this direction..it makes setting everything up simple and smooth, however some guys email directly..refuse or ignore all screening questions and never send messages via verification sites. This is a problem...if you can't follow a simple request like this...its a huge red flag to our safety...and that's honestly more important to me than any dollar I've ever made in the hobby. If all we cared about was the money..we would take appts with anyone and everyone with or without screening....
Imo.. screening doesn't just keep me and the hobbyist safe..it helps to ensure the safety of our entire hobby community as a whole.
First off Analeese very cute face, look me up if you're every in San Antonio honey.
When I started I was paranoid some of the verification processes scared the crap out of me because of the impending threat of losing my job, and embarrassing my family. As I thought more about it, there are ways to safely and discretely go about verification. I was honest with providers about what I felt comfortable with and what I didn't feel comfortable with disclosing, BUT I didn't leave it at that. I asked them if they had other options. There were some that came up with creative ways to verify me and I'm now on several sites, though my main site will always be 411 (just my preference). There were some "high class" escorts that blew me off and said I've got plenty of customers who follow their exact process and were not willing to try. That's the same BAD (insert other choice word here) behavior that clients exhibit when they don't care about the providers rules or preferences. In my opinion if you're not willing to work with someone to satisfy both your needs (both client and provider) then don't meet. You're probably both better off that way.