I do not participate in DRAMA. You really need to quit being so juvenile and trying to pull everybody into it as well. Your throwing a temper tantrum bc I refused to see you professionally anymore. Seriously as if the harassing PHONE CALLS FROM YOU AND KAY WERE NOT ENUF. I KNOW YOU BOTH THREATENED TO DO THIS TO ME A WEEK AGO. I guess I thought you would realize how ridiculous your behavior was and let it go. I forgot I'm not dealing with adults here. As far as Sexuser, I know that you have been bad mouthing me and I know that you have been complaining about the 200. Yet you wont dare say it where I would be able to see it because you know the truth isn't what your making it out to be ..Is it now? Since I'm just fed up with it I will deal with all 3 of you right now and be done with it. My advice to all you ladies and gentlemen reading .....Grab a beverage and maybe a snack....

SH** is about to get REAL. I will do this as quickly and efficiently as possible.

NYB_ The day I met you. I told you I was going on vacation with my girls. You seemed genuinely interested and that was my 1st mistake. Your motives were not genuine. You gave me a 200 tip and said its for your trip. I refused it at 1st bc I wasn't comfortable taking that as a tip. You insisted and said let me do something nice for your being so good to an old man and all. I specifically told you I prefer to earn it cause I dont like anybody to hang anything over my head. So when I went to get dressed you put in my purse and left. I was in a hurry I didn't pay attention til later.
That was 2014. Fast forward a bit til August 2015. I was having car issues I bought a car and within 3 months I had a new tranny engine then the brakes went out. I left the car off the I80 exit ramp called a tow truck the dealership I got it from and walked away. I put all I had into the down payment and to replaced everything. I dont like admitting it but I was cheesed big time.
Captain Save a H** to the rescue of course...he says to me let me just give you the money for a new one you can work it off. Mistake #2 I said if youd like to help me Id prefer a cosigner bc these kind of cars wont be any better for me.& I dont wanr to waste your money too I just wasted mine. If you want to help Id prefer the cosigner idea and I will be able to get a more dependable car worth the investment. I will make down payment and handle the rest. so no money has to come out of your pocket. I didn't want him to pay for it. At the time I thought it was the best route cause Id just take care of it and he didn't lose any money and I wouldn't feel like a leased piece of ass. Ne way the facts are I paid my own down payment, Paid the insurance and every payment I made exceot for 2 bc my mother died and I didn't realize funerals were so expensive. It was a very hard time for me bc I was just in a bad place needed to grieve and get my head on straight. Mistake #3 NYB offered to pay for a couple months bc He was "trying to be a nice guy out of the kindness of his heart" My dying ass. I had to hear about how I owe him some "cookie" I will call it all while trying to bury my mother and all that. I couldn't believe this nonsense I was hearing. Now I offered to pay him back he didn't want the $ he wanted the "cookie".
This is taking to long ok..NYB_You do win the EMMY for King Bullshit.
I am not engaging with this DRAMA.. NYB- The only reason you are bringing up the car thing is bc that is all you can hold over my head & you cant even do that bc it is all lies. I paid the down payment and maintenance etc.along with the payments& you know it.! So, stop . The real reason is bc I wont sleep with you and you cant control me like you want to SO YOU TOOK IT UPON YOURSELF TO INVOLVE OTHERS. REAL REASON is we had a session and after the convo we were getting undressed. Mind you it HAD BEEN AWHILE SINCE WE HAD A SESSION 3/4 MONTHS DT MY MOM AND ALL. I noticed along the shaft of his "Pickle" there were
staff edit-s31. Yes I said it
staff edit-s31. I refused to see him got dressed and left. I told him later I didn't feel comfortable seeing him anymore. My reasons were obvious I was protecting myself and the clients I do see. Its preventative measures to ensure the safety of myself and others I see.regardless if it was from whatever I wont take the risk its not worth it to me IM SORRY.
staff edit-s31 ON HIS 'PICKLE'.
Next Kay2 Day...You have been at this longer than I have. Come on now I expected better from you. The REAL is you got dogged out in TX NYB saved your ass and stood up for you there. He in turn involved you in his own DRAMA of which you immediately smelled opportunity and jumped on it. As a provider you should have come to me as an adult and ask what the deal was. You also had SEXUSER whining about 200. So you just went off guns blazing didn't cha. Gave me no respect and personally attacked me and told me you and NYB talked about it and working it out. He was gonna give you my car all of a sudden and on the boards he was the best you ever had...MY ASS You invoived yourself bc you saw an opportunity not caring what the result could be. You handled yourself poorly. Your mouth got the best of you as I can tell you always have something to say. I politely invited you to come to my home and try to handle this like adults., I said if you think your taking my car you can sure try I GAVE you my address and you never showed. If you are gonna run your mouth honey to me you better be able to back it up. SINCE YOU DID NOT YOU NEED TO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND GO LAY DOWN SOMEWHERE YOU DOMT SCARE ME WITH YOUR THREATS CAUSE YOU CANT BACK IT UP >its none of your business to begin with c your way out your not gertting my vehicle sorry you were lied to maybe show me some respect as a woman and talk sith me about it 1st.
Lastly SexUser I sure cant forget about you....I saw you for year or so. You just love wasting time . You have no right to say a word about me bad. Ive been overly generous with my time and if my memory serves me correctly the was 2 gentlemen on thse boards I got guff bout missing appointments with bc you didn't want to leave. You had an hour appt. with me not 3 hours. We had our appointment. I told you more than politely I was getting in the shower I had an appointment on his way. You then decide to not only short me 20 after our 60min plus session now you want in the shower with me. I was nice about it and thought because I didn't join you you take a hint that I was in a hurry not joining you cause I knew you wouldn't pay me anything else asked you to hurry along my apt was outside 45 min and 2 appointments missed you finally leave. I tried to apologize and reconcile my appts. Then I was upset and called you and tol you look I lost 2 clients bc ofd this. I need you to do the right thing I hae bills to pay too. So you asked how much more I told you 200 we met some place and that was it. Ive always accommodated you and been very good to you. How dare you tell anybody I RIPPED YOU OFF that is a lie. I just refused to see you bc you dont leave and you dont pay for the exrra time you take and its not fair to other gentlemen who do. If I told the people whos appts I missed you wouldn't be thropwing my name around would you. Your mad bc you think I owe you no I dont I asked you to be fair to me one time and this is the shit you do. Grow up.
Ok I'm done now. Have a wonderful evening be safe and most importantly have fun! ALEXIS P.S. I had a few typos in there sorry.
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