Originally Posted by Whispers
you denying it?
SL is a buddy and if he was pimpin I would think I would know it......
Then again when he wanted me to share the blue haired gal I did deny him but.... she wasn't going pro....
Yah I'm denying it...cause its funny! You don't believe it, but you throw it out there cause you got nothing else...and you're trying to set up some lame "see how does it feel to be falsely accused BS".
SLs not a buddy...you've convinced everyone that's true, but we both know the truth don't we?
Whats really fun though is poking you and taking side bets on "watch what he does now, see what he pulls outta his ass & tries to pawn off as truth".
You really are a piece of work!
Now go light up a bandle or fandle to help fight your battle...
Its been fun tonight! Can't wait to see what else you make up, it keeps us all entertained...you've gone in so many different directions in the past 24 hours I'm excited to see what other retred agendas you have to post.
I'll leave this and check back in with you later. Have a nice evening WhixxZy.
Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I asked Still Looking some questions when a lot of rumors were floating around. He understood the reasoning and it opened up a lot of dialogue that led to our meeting and becoming friends of a sort.....
I would think the known fact that we were buddies would have most ignore comments like this but there are those that like to believe the worse about me.
It was more then a few questions, you tried to shred him in coed after a disagreement of sorts. You made shit up and tried to bully him like you do with many a folks including former mods who crossed you. You have a track record of doing that.
You tried to do it to me, invited me up to your little strip club and tried to get me to step in line or get banned because you were gonna out me as a leaker. A fucking leaker, seriously. I told some bitch to watch her back around you. That was my leaked info.
Hahahaha Seriously dude, get over yourself an open up to what everyone else knows. You're a bully and a blackmailer who scares dudes like sl to step in line. I have no doubt you got something on him because he couldn't stand you before. You do not have friends, you have dudes you get free and discount pussy for in return for loyalty

:laughin g1: