Originally Posted by mrobvious
I made the mistake of paying her in advance for x amount of sessions. I have yet to collect anything and was told by her that she will go to my wife or anyone that knows me and out me if I go public with this. Well Aspen, my wife and I have split. I won't be silent any longer!!
I can certainly confirm she was pushing this earlier...She was offering "pre-pay"/sugar daddy arrangements for a "flat fee" for the month a few months ago. I don't know anyone who took her up on it (at that point anyway) but I got a couple of backchannels from mongers who thought it would be a great idea, but wanted me to let them know how it went.
The offer was something like $700 for the month. It was awhile ago.
By the way, you can sue her for the money (you loaned her some money thinking you'd get it back!), good luck to her proving that she took it in exchange for anything more than her time... which... you know... is legal in the City of Wichita. She...of course, would be an unlicensed escort in Wichita, so should she wish to say that was her business, she's be subject to a fine, etc for not having her license (yes those exist in Wichita). As long as you can prove you gave her the money... you're in business (yeah, that's the hard part).
Just saying, you have more options than you'd think of in this town. Creative legal for sure, but not impossible. (to the responders, yes I know there would be some problems, but perhaps the threat of dragging her ass into a courtroom would be enough).
It's fraud as well... again, since escorting is a licensed business in Wichita... she's liable. Again, she's unlicensed, or doesn't display her license. You can do that too... problematic, but not impossible.
All kinds of options indeed!
Sidenote: I'm very leery of providers who fly in and out of town (I'm back, she proclaims a lot). Even MORE than the backpage thing, established girls who are and stay local I think are the most preferred. The market will keep them accountable. Some ECCIE providers who come here regularly from close markets I think are good options as well.
Play safe!