Sorry you've had a shitty time lately... Yes, seasons come & go, sometimes we all need a break from the usual, especially when it starts going downhill....
I will admit though...
I'm curious who is behind Door #2 & Door #3... however, they both sounds like they got a little "too" comfortable, and the lines between personal & professional got blurry (not to you, O.) I'm curious what would be so "bad it needed to be edited out" in a review, but again, not my business.
I'm sure the gent's here would love to know which providers have went loose cannon.
Then again, maybe you aren't saying because some of the blame lies with you for allowing it to go to such lengths?..
I've always heard there's three sides to every story: His side, her side, and the truth.
Wherever the truth lies, it doesn't even matter at this point, I am sure.
Sounds like a good call on the need for change.
I have always enjoyed your posts. You seem like a very well spoken & thoughtful person.
I wish you luck, peace, & happiness in your new direction.
