Originally Posted by abdclub
I don't know how many of you ladies actually even file taxes! I do tax returns for several escorts in the Houston area and there ARE ways of filing legitimately, without raising red flags. Please contact me if you want to come in from the cold or have problems from previous years. I have been doing tax returns for over 20 years and know what I'm talking about (most of the time (LOL))!
I applaud you for the realistic ad you placed as opposed to some re: taxes...I'll leave it at that.
Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Lots of reasons. I don't get a paycheck, so how do I prove my income if I want to buy a house or a car? We also need to pay into social security and unemployment insurance to ever be able to use them. The punishment for tax evasion is much much worse than for solicitation. And besides, it's just morally the right thing to do. I'm not going to use the roads and then presume that I'm the only one who should be exempt from paying for them.
yep (forget the moral arguments for a moment)