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Old 10-01-2015, 12:57 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by cr76 View Post
He still as one despite saying he's thinking about throwing in the towel. Of course I do t know how is contract is set up , but technically he has one more . SKYFALL and now specter is returning the bond reboot back to traditional bond. Q, gadgets, money penny, would e I terstibg to see I they bring back mad men like gold finger or the man with the golden gun. Rumor has it they are trying to bring in blofeld.

The new blade runner is in fact a sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi classic .

The new Q mocked the gadgets in Skyfall. Remember their fist meeting in the museum? Q told Bond he could do more from his desk than Bond could do in the field and did just that in the first half of the movie. Even made a snide remark about exploding pens. He really had no bearing on the second half at Skyfall.

Does Q get a comeuppance or does he revolutionize the idea of gadgets?

I wouldn't want to see rehashing of old stories by bringing back old characters. There is plenty of contemporary evil in the world to write new screenplays around.
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Old 10-01-2015, 01:38 PM   #17
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Q did mock te gadgets - but none the less, met with bond and provided him with equipment and the Aston Martin at the end had rockets in it. They are bringing back the traditional idea of bond while keeping it in the tone and format of this new series
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Old 10-01-2015, 09:31 PM   #18
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Sicario was fucking brutal
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Old 10-03-2015, 06:25 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
You know as far as new movies I've seen I just watched pixels and was surprised it wasn't pure shit. Adam Sandler has made some real stinkers but that one was a fun movie for the chick and I.
I just saw Pixels last night a Windchimes dollar cinema ( which isn't that bad of a place and they upgraded their projection equipment) It was not his best and it wasn;t pure shit either. Kevin James and the segment in England was funny. Some of the video Game jokes were decent.

Ashley Benson as the amazonian warrior goddess- yummy!!!

It was not as bad as i had expected but not great either. It was enjoyable and Adam Sandler has made some crap. I can't watch Jack and Jill, I just cant do it the Adam in drag shit.

QT's The Hateful Eight also comes out this holiday season!!! My favorite director so ill be day one there.
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Old 10-05-2015, 03:36 AM   #20
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Star Wars trailer 4 will probably be shown on the 15th or 16th of October.
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Old 10-05-2015, 07:26 AM   #21
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I guess that will be the final trailer - that actually reveals plot.

the only no footage i have seen - shows Finn ( John Boyega) in the forest igniting a blue light saber - it seems he battles Kylo ren at this part.

It would be nice to see some actual Saber Action.

Will go see Martian in 3D at some point this week.
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Old 10-05-2015, 04:04 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by cr76 View Post
I guess that will be the final trailer....Saber Action.

Will go see Martian in 3D at some point this week.
Yes, it's the final one. The disclosure of the blue saber was a teaser to the 4th trailer.

I would like to see how that tri-saber would fend against the blue saber attack. Some have speculated that the crossguard is really a gun that can shoot out laser beams.

I don't know if I see the Martian. It seems all cerebral. My mind needs to stay glued to suspense or a good story line.
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Old 10-05-2015, 07:09 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
Yes, it's the final one. The disclosure of the blue saber was a teaser to the 4th trailer.

I would like to see how that tri-saber would fend against the blue saber attack. Some have speculated that the crossguard is really a gun that can shoot out laser beams.

I have been trying to keep out of spoilers for Episode 7 . Will see it opening weekend in IMAX as it's shot with at least one extended IMAX sequence.

I don't know if I see the Martian. It seems all cerebral. My mind needs to stay glued to suspense or a good story line.
A friend of mine raved about it and said it's really good. Will find out soon enough hopefully. Will probably try and hit up the dollar this week as well and See the Vacation Sequel, Reboot. Yeah it supposed to be shitty, but i love the franchise.

Started a New Hope this morning - Plowing through the SW in preperation for the force awakens. Hayden Christesen wasn;t great, but he wasn;t the abomination people made him out to be. Yes he plays Anakin like a whiny brat, but there are a few parts he nails it.

That being said - James Earl Jones does a far better Vader and he just spoke into a microphone. of course his voiced was processed and this after anakin's transformation, but still- line delivery is 100 times better.
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Old 10-05-2015, 10:03 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by cr76 View Post
A friend of mine raved about it and said it's really good. Will find out soon enough hopefully. Will probably try and hit up the dollar this week as well and See the Vacation Sequel, Reboot. Yeah it supposed to be shitty, but i love the franchise.

Started a New Hope this morning - Plowing through the SW in preperation for the force awakens. Hayden Christesen wasn;t great, but he wasn;t the abomination people made him out to be. Yes he plays Anakin like a whiny brat, but there are a few parts he nails it.

That being said - James Earl Jones does a far better Vader and he just spoke into a microphone. of course his voiced was processed and this after anakin's transformation, but still- line delivery is 100 times better.

Oh man don't see the Sequel or Reboot of Vacation because it's rewarding poor creativity. Movie fans have to tell Hollywood moguls that we aren't going to pay for second-rate material. There is enough talent and creative people to come up with a better movie than a sequel or a reboot.

Hayden was too controlled by Lucas who isn't all that great of a director but was the creative force behind the franchise. Word from the grapevine is that Hayden is going to reprise his Darth Vader role in the follow-up movie to the episode 7, either as a flashback or reincarnated version (cloning).

James Earl Jones is Darth Vader. No other voice actor could come close to his voice. His voice has such an eloquence and a delivery in which you can respond to how the character feels inside.
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Old 10-06-2015, 04:40 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
Oh man don't see the Sequel or Reboot of Vacation because it's rewarding poor creativity. Movie fans have to tell Hollywood moguls that we aren't going to pay for second-rate material. There is enough talent and creative people to come up with a better movie than a sequel or a reboot.

Hayden was too controlled by Lucas who isn't all that great of a director but was the creative force behind the franchise. Word from the grapevine is that Hayden is going to reprise his Darth Vader role in the follow-up movie to the episode 7, either as a flashback or reincarnated version (cloning).

James Earl Jones is Darth Vader. No other voice actor could come close to his voice. His voice has such an eloquence and a delivery in which you can respond to how the character feels inside.
that's a shame to hear about vacation.

Yeah, a buddy of mine was asking about them not using George Lucas's ideas and my feeling was that even though he has been the main creative force, not every idea has been golden. Jar jar episode 1 blew, when he was reduced and made a rep for the senate he was decent.

Have you seen the video of David Prowse doing the Vader voice before they brought in James Earl Jones?? It's hysterical, he meant well, but he sounds like a angry scots man.
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Old 10-07-2015, 02:45 PM   #26
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Checking out Bride of Spies tonight!! SPIELGBERG, HANKS, and cold war dealings - can't go wrong. Hopefully it's good- spileberg has made an occasional dissapoinment. War Horse and Licoln were technically sound and Daniel Day Lewis did a great job in Lincoln, but they were ultimately boring
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Old 10-08-2015, 06:14 AM   #27
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Bond for sure. Just saw a trailer. Christoph Woltz is the bad guy. May be better than Xavier Bardin (Sp?).
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Old 10-08-2015, 07:46 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Oralist View Post
Bond for sure. Just saw a trailer. Christoph Woltz is the bad guy. May be better than Xavier Bardin (Sp?).
Supposedly he will be Blofeld.
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Old 10-08-2015, 02:19 PM   #29
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As much I'm down with the Dark Side, I have little faith in the new movie coming up. JJ Abrams is a hack. He can start off good but always ends on some weak bullshit. He can't even write with source material so he has to alter the universe just to fit within what he believes he can do.

I am really looking towards Spectre. This is Craigs' last Bond film.
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Old 10-08-2015, 05:06 PM   #30
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He may get his wish, but I wish he would be handle himself a bit better in interviews. " I rather slit my wrist then play bond again." Come on - a bit more class
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