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Go to Switzerland and Austria, then go to Thailand and the PI. Switzerland is so wonderful it seems like a dream every time I am there.
Hopefully, Mr. Trump will makes us a better country again.
Just try to get on the dole in Switzerland, or immigrate there if you have nothing to offer them. They will fuck a bitch up.
Never been to Switzerland. People I know who have been there say it is VERY expensive. Follow-up question with absolutely no mal intent -- why don't you leave the U.S. for Switzerland?
Never been to Switzerland. People I know who have been there say it is VERY expensive. Follow-up question with absolutely no mal intent -- why don't you leave the U.S. for Switzerland?
5k. would you care to speculate on how many kurds and Iraqis would be dead if Saddam had stayed in power? The Kurds were doing fine before we invades. Do you think Saddam would have killed more civilians than we did invading? Documented civilian deaths from violence
would he have used wmd's on Israel? There were no wmd's
our compassion for the oppressed of the world to you is a weakness. to those who are oppressed, poor, controlled and without hope America is the shining beacon of a better way of life. why else do they flock here illegally? .
compassion for the you are for open borders now? Or do you just have compassion for the oppressed if they are Muslims and not Mexicans?
I suppose calling oneself "exceptional" could mean better than all the rest...or it could mean different from all the rest. Just about every country at one time or another has called themselves "the best" for some reason or another. That is not an American thing, it is a human thing. Most countries don't call themselves different though and that we are. We created ourselves, took it upon ourselves to create a system of laws that benefit the majority and not the few, we believed in self governance from the beginning, and we believed in certain things so much that we went to war with ourselves to find out who was right and wrong. Yes, some people suffered but, once again, that is a human thing and not an American thing. The Indians (may I call them that?) were not pristine, nature worshippers. They were immigrants from 10,000 years before the Europeans arrived. They fought, committed genocide, tortured, murdered, enslaved their enemies, and wiped out entire species in their quest for survival. So conquering is a human thing once again. We rose above the human thing but how we treated both our enemies and those we defeated. We did something very unique, can I call it "the American thing".
We could have totally exterminated the Indians but calmer minds prevailed and we stopped ourselves.
We were given the curse of slavery both those that came before (the English, Spanish, French, and Dutch) and we went to war with ourselves to end it. Paying a heavy price in blood and treasure to free a people that most in that time did not even consider to be Americans.
We did go to war with other countries to defend our interests (Mexico and Spain) but even after conquering them, we stopped, and gave them back their country.
Peoples that we liberated from other countries (Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico) we immediately put on the path to liberation and self determination.
The United States went to war with world powers expecting no return on our sacrifice in 1917, 1941, 1949, 1961, 1990, and 2003.
When others stood by, we led the world.
When disaster struck around the world in the last century it was the United States that responded with money and materal.
It was the United States who accepted refugees from around the world, many who would have died if not for us.
I shouldn't even have to say anything about how we saved the world (medicine,science), advanced civilization (Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, etc.) and pushed for a better tomorrow with exploration.
I'm not saying we're perfect, we're only human but we are the indispensible country and that is something that we're losing. Some of that loss is by neglect and some is by design. You know which side you fall on.
A system of laws that benefit the majority and not the few? Our system of laws and government are built to do exactly the opposite. Goddamn, who is this clown?
And then of course you have to denigrate the Native American people. What's ironic is that everything you list; genocide, torture, murder, enslavement, etc., are all things that we have done as a nation.
yes another America hater. go live in Russia or China and see how that works out for you. you are really woomby. we all know it. are you cjohnny54 too? ahahahahaha
how many handles do you have?
all your reviews are from San Antonio. we know you really are ...
I made an argument based on fact and reason. . .ur response is with racism and ignorance, ur the reason much of the rest of the world has a negative view of Americans. You are the ugly American.
5k. would you care to speculate on how many kurds and Iraqis would be dead if Saddam had stayed in power?
would he have used wmd's on Israel? how many dead? of course Israel would never have stood for that and Baghdad would still be glowing purple in the night sky after the Israelis nuked it.
our compassion for the oppressed of the world to you is a weakness. to those who are oppressed, poor, controlled and without hope America is the shining beacon of a better way of life. why else do they flock here illegally? even the huge risks are worth it. they have nothing to lose and nothing in their own nations to look to for a better life.
you are like sports fans who hate the Patriots solely because they are the champions.
you hate America. that's perfectly clear. America to you is the great evil that imposes its will on a world that would clearly rather be left alone. we probably should leave them alone. in poverty, war, oppression and despair. but we don't. we've nearly ruined our own nation is this effort to oppose dictators, communists, fascists. has it been worth it? that depends. if we are successful yes it will be. the world has a chance to be free and prosperous. if we fail the world becomes dark and evil. ruled by pedophile Muslims and brutal communists who deny freedom to their people. in the true legend of a hero, someone who has the might and will to oppose such evil is compelled to act. today, only one Nation fits this description.
The United States of America
Goddamn, you are a xenophobe. America good, everyone else bad... you sound like a fucking retard. If we fail the world becomes dark and evil... dun dun dun
I made an argument based on fact and reason. . .ur response is with racism and ignorance, ur the reason much of the rest of the world has a negative view of Americans. You are the ugly American.
You can't expect a reasoned argument from someone who is as fucking stupid as takkko kid is. Can you? He has the reasoning ability of a child.
If America ever was an exceptional country it isn't any longer. Obama had stated in 2008 that his goal was to "fundamentally change" America. Change it into what? Certainly nothing exceptional.