Originally Posted by Reverseheadstock
Right handed ATF
Left handed ATF
Dirty talking nerd ATF
Pulls your hair and demands you "get that pussy" ATF
Sexting dirty pics (please not in traffic) ATF
Loves to use all the furniture ATF
Giggling infection laughter ATF
Wanna take her out to Chili's and laugh at people in public ATF
Inappropriate sex acts involving a trapeze and a monkey named Chuck ATF
Always swats you on the ass as you leave and says "good game" ATF
Or less creative... If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with an infinite ATM and a Domino's Pizza joint, what lady would you choose for your eternity being stranded with. (sorry, I hate to end a proposition with a preposition, but I had to)
Your atf sounds hot a.f.!!!!
Esp the "good game" one!
(idk why I am just now seeing this?!?!)