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Old 05-06-2015, 10:18 AM   #16
JD Barleycorn
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Despite what some morons have written I am not convinced that this is some kind of government take over but I do have questions. Apparently those questions cause people some angst on the left. What is the purpose of Jade Helm? I participated in many military operations and we were always told why and what we were supposed to be learning while we did it. Why the secrecy?

For those who poopoo the idea of a government take over as a possibility, who would you go about it? Announce the world that a new government is in place and THEN roll out the tanks from the bases? NO! You would put your units in position of comunication, government, and National Guard locations to either seize, capture, or neutralize them. Kind of like what the Germans did in 1939 and the Soviets did in 1980.

You could connect the dots:
Dot one; military officers and high ranking noncomms are being polled (asked if you will) whether or not that they could fire upon US citizens if ordered to.
Dot two; several smaller drills where the agressor WAS a domestic "terrorist" group that has taken a town hostage.
Dot three: The disperal of military assets around the country in the guise of building up the local police departments for what exactly?
Dot four: Academia has been asked to publish works that suggest domestic groups will seize power and have to be opposed by government action. Remember the discussion a couple of years ago when KU's Jennifer Weber wrote a book with a general about how a Tea Party group occupied a southern city? I asked her why the Tea Party and not Occupy and she said that was not was she was asked to do.

So many questions and so few answers. I did not realize those questions would scare people.
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Old 05-06-2015, 10:35 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Despite what some morons have written I am not convinced that this is some kind of government take over but I do have questions. Apparently those questions cause people some angst on the left. What is the purpose of Jade Helm? I participated in many military operations and we were always told why and what we were supposed to be learning while we did it. Why the secrecy?

For those who poopoo the idea of a government take over as a possibility, who would you go about it? Announce the world that a new government is in place and THEN roll out the tanks from the bases? NO! You would put your units in position of comunication, government, and National Guard locations to either seize, capture, or neutralize them. Kind of like what the Germans did in 1939 and the Soviets did in 1980.

You could connect the dots:
Dot one; military officers and high ranking noncomms are being polled (asked if you will) whether or not that they could fire upon US citizens if ordered to.
Dot two; several smaller drills where the agressor WAS a domestic "terrorist" group that has taken a town hostage.
Dot three: The disperal of military assets around the country in the guise of building up the local police departments for what exactly?
Dot four: Academia has been asked to publish works that suggest domestic groups will seize power and have to be opposed by government action. Remember the discussion a couple of years ago when KU's Jennifer Weber wrote a book with a general about how a Tea Party group occupied a southern city? I asked her why the Tea Party and not Occupy and she said that was not was she was asked to do.

So many questions and so few answers. I did not realize those questions would scare people.
You answered your own goddamn question. Maybe because no one posting on this board is active military or involved in these goings on? No one is scared of your questions. We marvel at your stupidity. Aren't you supposed to be on a deserted island looking for a repainted plane under some shrubs?
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Old 05-06-2015, 10:40 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
There is a shortage of tinfoil in Texas now.........
There usually is during BBQ season ...

... or when NASA has a launch scheduled... or ...

... when petro-chemical production increases to feed you over-consumers.

That' why Exxon is setting up its world headquarters here ... lots of tinfoil.
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Old 05-06-2015, 10:54 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
There usually is during BBQ season ...

... or when NASA has a launch scheduled... or ...

... when petro-chemical production increases to feed you over-consumers.

That' why Exxon is setting up its world headquarters here ... lots of tinfoil.
I think you can't get any more lame or retarded... then you post again. It's like christmas.
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Old 05-06-2015, 10:58 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I think you can't get any more lame or retarded... ....
.. It's necessary so I can communicate on your level. I can tell I still haven't gotten far enough down on the intelligence spectrum...you just keep getting lower with each post.

But I was really responding to Iva-LittleOne's ridiculous statement. Since you apparently agree with it, then the above applies to you as well.
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Old 05-06-2015, 11:10 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
.. It's necessary so I can communicate on your level. I can tell I still haven't gotten far enough down on the intelligence spectrum...you just keep getting lower with each post.

But I was really responding to Iva-LittleOne's ridiculous statement. Since you apparently agree with it, then the above applies to you as well.
Look, it's christmas again. My level? You're not able to even imagine that level. Quit trying to rub elbows with your betters, as if you actually belong among us.
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Old 05-06-2015, 11:19 AM   #22
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
You answered your own goddamn question. Maybe because no one posting on this board is active military or involved in these goings on? No one is scared of your questions. We marvel at your stupidity. Aren't you supposed to be on a deserted island looking for a repainted plane under some shrubs?

Did you just piss yourself?
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Old 05-06-2015, 11:26 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I can tell I still haven't gotten far enough down on the intelligence spectrum.......
At least you admit the years are catching up.....

They've just caught up a little more than you think
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Old 05-06-2015, 12:23 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Despite what some morons have written I am not convinced that this is some kind of government take over but I do have questions. Apparently those questions cause people some angst on the left. What is the purpose of Jade Helm? I participated in many military operations and we were always told why and what we were supposed to be learning while we did it. Why the secrecy?

For those who poopoo the idea of a government take over as a possibility, who would you go about it? Announce the world that a new government is in place and THEN roll out the tanks from the bases? NO! You would put your units in position of comunication, government, and National Guard locations to either seize, capture, or neutralize them. Kind of like what the Germans did in 1939 and the Soviets did in 1980.

You could connect the dots:
Dot one; military officers and high ranking noncomms are being polled (asked if you will) whether or not that they could fire upon US citizens if ordered to.
Dot two; several smaller drills where the agressor WAS a domestic "terrorist" group that has taken a town hostage.
Dot three: The disperal of military assets around the country in the guise of building up the local police departments for what exactly?
Dot four: Academia has been asked to publish works that suggest domestic groups will seize power and have to be opposed by government action. Remember the discussion a couple of years ago when KU's Jennifer Weber wrote a book with a general about how a Tea Party group occupied a southern city? I asked her why the Tea Party and not Occupy and she said that was not was she was asked to do.

So many questions and so few answers. I did not realize those questions would scare people.
I hate to say this, but my Dad told me more than 20 years ago that Marines were being asked/polled about whether they could or would fire on civilians if ordered to do so. That rumor has been around for a very, very long time.

Not once when I was in the Navy was I ever asked any question of that nature. However, bear in mind that the oath every military person takes includes it. We swear to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies - foreign and domestic.
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Old 05-06-2015, 12:45 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Despite what some morons have written I am not convinced that this is some kind of government take over but I do have questions. Apparently those questions cause people some angst on the left. What is the purpose of Jade Helm? I participated in many military operations and we were always told why and what we were supposed to be learning while we did it. Why the secrecy?

For those who poopoo the idea of a government take over as a possibility, who would you go about it? Announce the world that a new government is in place and THEN roll out the tanks from the bases? NO! You would put your units in position of comunication, government, and National Guard locations to either seize, capture, or neutralize them. Kind of like what the Germans did in 1939 and the Soviets did in 1980.

You could connect the dots:
Dot one; military officers and high ranking noncomms are being polled (asked if you will) whether or not that they could fire upon US citizens if ordered to.
Dot two; several smaller drills where the agressor WAS a domestic "terrorist" group that has taken a town hostage.
Dot three: The disperal of military assets around the country in the guise of building up the local police departments for what exactly?
Dot four: Academia has been asked to publish works that suggest domestic groups will seize power and have to be opposed by government action. Remember the discussion a couple of years ago when KU's Jennifer Weber wrote a book with a general about how a Tea Party group occupied a southern city? I asked her why the Tea Party and not Occupy and she said that was not was she was asked to do.

So many questions and so few answers. I did not realize those questions would scare people.
It sounds like you're the one who is scared.

This whole thing is so absurd, it defies description. It just goes to show the depths to which we have plunged as a result of the internet, where any whacko can post any whacko thing he or she cares to post.....and, there will always be a few whackos who buy in.
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Old 05-06-2015, 12:50 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
At least you admit the years are catching up.....

They've just caught up a little more than you think
Which is, in itself, another sign that the years are catching up. Plus, LL wasn't starting with much......
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Old 05-06-2015, 01:49 PM   #27
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
There usually is during BBQ season ...

... or when NASA has a launch scheduled... or ...

... when petro-chemical production increases to feed you over-consumers.

That' why Exxon is setting up its world headquarters here ... lots of tinfoil.
Better snug your tinfoil hat down the wind will blow it off, and you will be unprotected.
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