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View Poll Results: Are you a God Fearing Christian?
Yes. And I can do whatever I want because God forgives me. (The heresy of anti-nomianism) 0 0%
Not really, but I am a Christian and I hope I'm forgiven. (The heresy of backsliding) 4 23.53%
No. What's to fear? The Bible is not the only Word of God, and not all of it is true. 5 29.41%
I don't believe in God at all, so it doesn't matter. When I die, I'm dead. 8 47.06%
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Old 04-27-2015, 12:54 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am not going to participate in this poll but I wonder what some of you read into things religious. I saw nothing that said anyone was trying force anyone else into something (a couple of you complained about that) and I saw nothing that was trying to trick anyone. It is a simple question on one level and complicated on another.

The simple one, what is your belief in God? I am a Diest. I believe that a god exists and that everything was created with all possibilities for us to embrace. God is out of it after creation. No miracles, no interventions. It is up to us if we want degrade ourselves or lift ourselves up. Thomas Jefferson used the analogy of the watch maker. The watch maker very carefully crafts a watch to keep time. Every gear, every latch, every sprocket is in place for a reason. The watch maker tightens up the spring and starts the fly wheel. The cover is then closed.

I guess the next question is, do you accept the new testament, Jesus Christ, and the resurrection. That is a toughie. I have been to Jerusalem and I have seen both places that they claim to the burial sight of the carpenter from Nazareth. I prefer the Baptist version. It was more in line with what was written in the bible thousands of years ago. So it is more like a historical journey than a religious pilgrimage to me. Still working on the details though I do notice that people who are true believers seem to be happier than those who are not. By true believer, I don't mean the radicals who attempt to twist and turn the bible to their political agenda.

As for the hobby, I'm not married so no adultery but I'm not so up on the bible to know if sex between a man and woman is FORBIDDEN (not just frowned upon) outside of marriage for whatever reason. Maybe some biblical scholar like Baby Killer can enlighten us.
The bible says no sex outside of marriage. period. so if you're single, I guess you're just supposed to wack off all the time. No, wait, that's not allowed either. No wonder single christians are so angry. they're full of years of backed up jizz.
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Old 04-27-2015, 12:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Are you now COGs butt buddy pal? My friend doesn't need to nor cares who I have banged!!! How many ladies have you banged? We all know you are hiding something are else you would have kept your old alias of Underconstruction.
I don't believe in a sky daddy that cares about what I do. So how many ladies I've banged is irrelevant. I'm not claiming to be a god-fearing christian. There's no way you can win this argument. Your bible is quite clear on the prospect of sex outside of marriage.
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Old 04-27-2015, 12:56 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am not going to participate in this poll but I wonder what some of you read into things religious. I saw nothing that said anyone was trying force anyone else into something (a couple of you complained about that) and I saw nothing that was trying to trick anyone. It is a simple question on one level and complicated on another.

The simple one, what is your belief in God? I am a Diest. I believe that a god exists and that everything was created with all possibilities for us to embrace. God is out of it after creation. No miracles, no interventions. It is up to us if we want degrade ourselves or lift ourselves up. Thomas Jefferson used the analogy of the watch maker. The watch maker very carefully crafts a watch to keep time. Every gear, every latch, every sprocket is in place for a reason. The watch maker tightens up the spring and starts the fly wheel. The cover is then closed.

I guess the next question is, do you accept the new testament, Jesus Christ, and the resurrection. That is a toughie. I have been to Jerusalem and I have seen both places that they claim to the burial sight of the carpenter from Nazareth. I prefer the Baptist version. It was more in line with what was written in the bible thousands of years ago. So it is more like a historical journey than a religious pilgrimage to me. Still working on the details though I do notice that people who are true believers seem to be happier than those who are not. By true believer, I don't mean the radicals who attempt to twist and turn the bible to their political agenda.

As for the hobby, I'm not married so no adultery but I'm not so up on the bible to know if sex between a man and woman is FORBIDDEN (not just frowned upon) outside of marriage for whatever reason. Maybe some biblical scholar like Baby Killer can enlighten us.

JDIdiot actually said something insightful???

I don't believe in much but the end times sure are a'comin!

Still working on the details though I do notice that people who are true believers seem to be happier than those who are not.
I believe that too. I was happier when I felt I was regularly praying to something and believing in something up above. Now, life is just a struggle chasing after an even higher bank account and doing stuff that is, in truth, absolutely meaningless. If you're not a Stephen Hawking or Steve Jobs, everything you believe will die with you. But if you believe in god, you will die happier knowing that there is something afterwards and that "life goes on".

But, the fact is, it's a false reality and no matter how much I'd like to believe it, truth and reason pull me otherwise. I agree with COG partially; you can't just believe in it halfway and then pretend to be a "God fearing Christian". That's a huge contradiction. If I could have lived with myself that way, I would also be a "God Fearing Christian".

On the other hand, WE's relationship with his religion is personal. COIdiot is being a douche (as usual). WE doesn't have to answer to us, he'll answer to whoever or whatever he believes in.
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Old 04-27-2015, 01:23 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
The bible says no sex outside of marriage. period. so if you're single, I guess you're just supposed to wack off all the time. No, wait, that's not allowed either. No wonder single christians are so angry. they're full of years of backed up jizz.
Where does the Bible come out against masturbation? Not challenging you, but I would love to know if it's in there because I've overlooked it.

This poll lacked at least one important option. I'm forgiven but I still shouldn't sin but I do because I'm weak.

Paul came out directly against option 1 when he said that we shouldn't sin just so grace could abound all the more.
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Old 04-27-2015, 01:30 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by filbone View Post
Where does the Bible come out against masturbation? Not challenging you, but I would love to know if it's in there because I've overlooked it.

This poll lacked at least one important option. I'm forgiven but I still shouldn't sin but I do because I'm weak.

Paul came out directly against option 1 when he said that we shouldn't sin just so grace could abound all the more.
Lusting in your heart is the same as actually committing the act is what it says. So, if you can wack it without thinking of anything sexual, I guess you got it made. But if you're dreaming of banging some broad, might as well just bang her for real since the sin is the same as thinking about it. Sex is also simply for procreation, so dry runs where you're dumping your baby batter in a tube sock is I'm pretty sure akin to murder, since there are millions of sperm that could possibly become a child. So if you've ever wacked it...
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Old 04-27-2015, 02:16 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
We all know you are hiding something or else you would have kept your old alias of Underconstruction.

You got that right – undercunt is the biggest lying fraudulent fuck on this board. He was caught red-handed using multiple handles and he still stutters and stammers and denies it every day like a cowardly fool. Here he is lying again about who he is, then turning around and making fun of another poster on a hooker board – for seeing hookers! What's wrong with this picture?

Question – how does the most brazen and conspicuous hypocrite on eccie feel free to call someone else a hypocrite? Answer - he's from Arkansas! Wombhater - aka undercunt - is a libtarded Clinton knockoff spamming trolling freelance faggot from Arkansas who studied at the feet of Liar-in-Chief Bubba Bill, so this kind of monumental hypocrisy just comes naturally to him!

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I do not have multiple handles. Ask a mod. This is my only handle and it's my first handle.

WombRaider = Underconstruction


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Old 04-27-2015, 02:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by filbone View Post
Where does the Bible come out against masturbation? Not challenging you, but I would love to know if it's in there because I've overlooked it.

This poll lacked at least one important option. I'm forgiven but I still shouldn't sin but I do because I'm weak.

Paul came out directly against option 1 when he said that we shouldn't sin just so grace could abound all the more.
Genesis Ch. 38 tells the story of Onan, who's brother Er died without children. Onan was told by his father Judah to lie with Er's wife, so that his brother would have a child to carry on his name. Onan didn't want his child to inherit Er's birthright though, so rather than impregnate Er's wife, he allowed his seed to fall to the ground. God didn't like that though, and struck Onan dead because of it.

This is the passage that preachers referred to when claiming that masturbation is a sin. However, the passage is open to interpretation. Perhaps it was just the selfishness of denying his brother an heir that got Onan killed.
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Old 04-27-2015, 02:33 PM   #23
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What I find more interesting is this apparent need for some non believers to attack and demean those who do believe. Its seems almost like a compulsion. Who cares, why cant you just accept that some believe and their belief is different than yours. I don't feel compelled to attack and demean those who don't believe. Now in this particular case I understand that it is in response to barely endowed and his infantile need to prove he is a good Christian like it matters to anyone but god. But this is not the first time I have observed it and I just don't see the need or reason for it.
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:03 PM   #24
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Just another thought. As it pertains to "religion".

Ever since the beginning of time, man has been creating God in his own image.
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
What I find more interesting is this apparent need for some non believers to attack and demean those who do believe. Its seems almost like a compulsion. Who cares, why cant you just accept that some believe and their belief is different than yours. I don't feel compelled to attack and demean those who don't believe. Now in this particular case I understand that it is in response to barely endowed and his infantile need to prove he is a good Christian like it matters to anyone but god. But this is not the first time I have observed it and I just don't see the need or reason for it.
Because they claim to be a God-fearing Christian while banging whooores.
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:06 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post

You got that right – undercunt is the biggest lying fraudulent fuck on this board. He was caught red-handed using multiple handles and he still stutters and stammers and denies it every day like a cowardly fool. Here he is lying again about who he is, then turning around and making fun of another poster on a hooker board – for seeing hookers! What's wrong with this picture?

Question – how does the most brazen and conspicuous hypocrite on eccie feel free to call someone else a hypocrite? Answer - he's from Arkansas! Wombhater - aka undercunt - is a libtarded Clinton knockoff spamming trolling freelance faggot from Arkansas who studied at the feet of Liar-in-Chief Bubba Bill, so this kind of monumental hypocrisy just comes naturally to him!

WombRaider = Underconstruction


Love you too, honey. Kisses.

Considering I was a zygote the first time Clinton was elected, not sure how I learned anything from him. Nice try though
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:12 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
What I find more interesting is this apparent need for some non believers to attack and demean those who do believe. Its seems almost like a compulsion. Who cares, why cant you just accept that some believe and their belief is different than yours. I don't feel compelled to attack and demean those who don't believe. Now in this particular case I understand that it is in response to barely endowed and his infantile need to prove he is a good Christian like it matters to anyone but god. But this is not the first time I have observed it and I just don't see the need or reason for it.

Oh c'mon, the answer is obvious. The people who are attacking and demeaning are LIBTARDS. It is a compulsion. They have a compulsive need to feel superior to anyone and everyone who's not on board with their so-called "progressive" agenda. So they seek to smear all believers as backward-looking conservative fundamentalist creationist anti-science neanderthals who live in the swamps. If anyone questions this silly caricature, they sneer and tell them to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird. Then they fly to San Francisco and give speeches to their snobby filthy rich atheist elitist far-left supporters at $10,000-a-plate dinners where they bitch and moan about all the hillbillies back in Pennsylvania who "cling to their guns and religion".
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Old 04-27-2015, 03:21 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Lusting in your heart is the same as actually committing the act is what it says. So, if you can wack it without thinking of anything sexual, I guess you got it made. But if you're dreaming of banging some broad, might as well just bang her for real since the sin is the same as thinking about it. Sex is also simply for procreation, so dry runs where you're dumping your baby batter in a tube sock is I'm pretty sure akin to murder, since there are millions of sperm that could possibly become a child. So if you've ever wacked it...

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
I was a catholic five years ago.

Boy, did the nuns do a good job on undercunt!

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Old 04-27-2015, 05:14 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Just another thought. As it pertains to "religion".

Ever since the beginning of time, man has been creating God in his own image.
This is true. We are scientific by nature. Thousands and thousands of years ago, when we saw something in nature, we felt the need to question it and have an answer as to why it was occurring. We lacked modern science(post scientific method) and so we made up things to explain these phenomena. Creating gods was a natural extension of that. It's why, if you take a comparative religion class, you'll discover how closely related SO many creation stores are.
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Old 04-27-2015, 05:24 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
Genesis Ch. 38 tells the story of Onan, who's brother Er died without children. Onan was told by his father Judah to lie with Er's wife, so that his brother would have a child to carry on his name. Onan didn't want his child to inherit Er's birthright though, so rather than impregnate Er's wife, he allowed his seed to fall to the ground. God didn't like that though, and struck Onan dead because of it.

This is the passage that preachers referred to when claiming that masturbation is a sin. However, the passage is open to interpretation. Perhaps it was just the selfishness of denying his brother an heir that got Onan killed.
Masturbation I guess would be considered a sin-because it would involve lust.

To COG, DIRTY DOG AND OTHERS- I guess by your definition no one on earth should use the term :"God-fearing Christian" because everyone sins in some form- is that your belief?
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