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Old 03-30-2015, 02:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
because it's obvious to anyone not as dim-witted as you.
Did your husband, UnderAverage, tell you to say that?
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Old 03-30-2015, 03:44 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Did your husband, UnderAverage, tell you to say that?
same old same old. To be clear, it was lame the first time you tried it, cum guzzler.
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Old 03-30-2015, 04:18 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I would be happy to post something good that Obama has accomplished. Let me know when it happens.
DJIA on Feb. 1, 2009 -- 7,062
DJIA on Mar. 30 2015 -- 17,976

Up 250% since Obama took office.

I know. The POTUS has absolutely nothing to do with how well the economy performs. Unless it performs badly, then the POTUS is 100% to blame.

Remember 1980? Ronald Reagan pretty much won the election because the economy crashed during Carter's administration (see quote in red below). Whether or not Carter was to blame is irrelevant. People held him accountable and he was soundly defeated by Reagan. So when the economy surges during a President's time in office, shouldn't the reverse be true that the President should be given kudos?

Also in 1980, a now infamous quote that reappears every four years, if not every two years, was born into the American political dialogue: Are you better off than you were four years ago? It was Ronald Reagan who delivered that line and it was, and still is, a line that people can personally relate to in so many ways.
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Old 03-31-2015, 03:37 AM   #19
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
DJIA on Feb. 1, 2009 -- 7,062
DJIA on Mar. 30 2015 -- 17,976

Up 250% since Obama took office.

I know. The POTUS has absolutely nothing to do with how well the economy performs. Unless it performs badly, then the POTUS is 100% to blame.

Remember 1980? Ronald Reagan pretty much won the election because the economy crashed during Carter's administration (see quote in red below). Whether or not Carter was to blame is irrelevant. People held him accountable and he was soundly defeated by Reagan. So when the economy surges during a President's time in office, shouldn't the reverse be true that the President should be given kudos?

Also in 1980, a now infamous quote that reappears every four years, if not every two years, was born into the American political dialogue: Are you better off than you were four years ago? It was Ronald Reagan who delivered that line and it was, and still is, a line that people can personally relate to in so many ways.
Quantitative Easing has transferred how many TRILLIONS into the stock market from the average taxpayer? You know NYRK, you're making yourself a joke with this defense. Your having your guts eaten by walkers and your happy for the experience.

By the way, for the last four years my annual take home has gone down and my utility bills are going up. So I am NOT better off than I was four, five, or six years ago.
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Old 03-31-2015, 05:48 AM   #20
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If things are so great then why are Democrats yelling for income equality?

Answer: because under Obama things have gotten worse for the masses, especially the dwindling middle class.

Obama has been driving down wages with massive illegal/legal immigration. It is all part of his fuck over (err "change America") scheme.
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Old 03-31-2015, 09:31 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Quantitative Easing has transferred how many TRILLIONS into the stock market from the average taxpayer? You know NYRK, you're making yourself a joke with this defense. Your having your guts eaten by walkers and your happy for the experience.

By the way, for the last four years my annual take home has gone down and my utility bills are going up. So I am NOT better off than I was four, five, or six years ago.
I am most definitely better off than I was before Obama took office, whether he is responsible or not. My 401k took off and made it possible for me to retire comfortably.
Sorry if your experience is different.
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Old 03-31-2015, 09:40 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
If things are so great then why are Democrats yelling for income equality?

Answer: because under Obama things have gotten worse for the masses, especially the dwindling middle class.

Obama has been driving down wages with massive illegal/legal immigration. It is all part of his fuck over (err "change America") scheme.
I never said everything was "perfect". You wanted something positive that has come about during the Obama administration. The stock market going up 250% is a positive IMHO. I am not an overly wealthy individual -- simply your average taxpaying citizen, so don't tell me that the surge in the stock market only benefited the "rich". He also lowered Social Security payments by 2% for 2 years. Another positive. Put about $2500 dollars a year into my pocket. This is FACT. If you and JD want to look at a possible dark side to those facts, feel free to do so.
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Old 03-31-2015, 09:41 AM   #23
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Ok....I thought you were using the sky high DOW to counter my argument that the Obama economy sucks. The high DOW benefits only a few and statistics show it hasn't improved the daily lives of most Americans. Particularly those households who have falling incomes.

Count yourself as one of the lucky few; I do. Despite Obama driving my insurance premiums from $3,000 per year to $7,800 per year (and more than doubling the deductible). Costs which offset any gains I may get from the DOW increase.
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Old 03-31-2015, 10:58 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Ok....I thought you were using the sky high DOW to counter my argument that the Obama economy sucks. The high DOW benefits only a few and statistics show it hasn't improved the daily lives of most Americans. Particularly those households who have falling incomes.

Count yourself as one of the lucky few; I do. Despite Obama driving my insurance premiums from $3,000 per year to $7,800 per year (and more than doubling the deductible). Costs which offset any gains I may get from the DOW increase.
I don't know if I'm one of the lucky few or not. Yes, Obamacare has not affected me one bit. It has negatively affected some close friends of our's. I would bet that your average American middle class person and certainly upper class person has benefited greatly from the stock market surge. According to Gallup, still over 50% of Americans are invested in stocks. Middle class at 52%. Down from 66% in 2007 when the market crashed.
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Old 03-31-2015, 01:01 PM   #25
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I don't think so. But if you have data showing other wise I would like to see it. Here is my data showing that the sky high stock market hasn't translated into household wealth (for most).


Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
...I would bet that your average American middle class person and certainly upper class person has benefited greatly from the stock market surge. According to Gallup, still over 50% of Americans are invested in stocks. Middle class at 52%. Down from 66% in 2007 when the market crashed.
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Old 03-31-2015, 03:25 PM   #26
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"I am worse off than I was 4/5/6 years ago"

That is the biggest piece of bullshit that anyone has ever pulled out of their ass. There's only two kinds of people who would make such a statement.

1) republicans
2) People who weren't alive 6 years ago.

Pick whichever one, the level of intellect is the same.
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Old 03-31-2015, 04:28 PM   #27
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America is worse off (than eight years ago); and by many measurements individual American households are worse off.

I posted the Pew Research data. If you have contrary data. Then post it. Otherwise you are just bloviating.

You don't like the Pew data on household wealth, then here is household income:

Can you spell S-T-A-G-N-A-N-T .
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Old 04-03-2015, 12:29 PM   #28
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Obama's war on working Americans continues.............why he wants to flood America with illegal labor who compete against Americans and drive wages lower?

The economy has disproportionately added lower-paying jobs in the retail and restaurant sectors since the economic recovery began in mid-2009.
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