Originally Posted by Mike Meatmaster
Did you ever complain to the hotel general manager? Seems like something fishy is going on there.
As soon as it was apparent they had indeed lost the key, I stepped inside and asked to see the Hotel Gen Mgr. One supposed 'manager' told me he was not on the premises at that time of night. Another Supervisor was finally found by the HPD who began taking some information as an incident report. The key would cost well over 100, and the cops said they would accept my charges of theft against the hotel. Hearing that changed somebody's tune in the hotel office or staff and they found the key.
Regards balls, I have never been in short supply. Not looking for trouble, but not one to shy away or back off. All part of being oil field trash I suppose. I have found it does not take that much sand to look down a bully.
As I said, the key would cost well over 100, and the cops said they would accept my charges of theft against the hotel. Hearing that changed somebody's tune in the hotel office and they found the key.
That will be the last time I use valet parking at a hotel.
That is the reason I posted this thread.
Beware that what happened to me can happen to you.
If you are not a registered guest, you can only identify yourself as a visitor in the hotel or be found a liar. As a visitor, you may be ignored, unless you know how to enforce your rights. What I asked for, what I insisted on was receiving either my key or some kind of receipt by which the hotel took responsibility for its employee's negligence. I never spoke of whom I saw or other purpose or location of my visit.
You make your case with appropriate firmness you can prevail.
Or you can let them run you over and run you off, and one morning wake up and find your new car has been stolen with the key that was "lost" at the hotel. Don't think it doesn't happen.
Make of it what you wish. I write to express. And if you do not like my writing style, I suggest you avoid the aggravation and just pass over my threads and reviews. But never mind. My IGNORE list will grow by one or two shortly.