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Pimps vs Save-A-Ho's....... Do either REALLY care?... a girl tends to think both do....
Coed Discussions - AustinBoth male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
Originally Posted by Whispers All I am saying here is that people should stop and think about what they are doing and know what drives a situation they think they should get involved in.
Originally Posted by Centaur
That's excellent advice. I'm see [SIC] a whole new side to you (I mean that as a compliment).
I share the identical sentiment succinctly expressed by Centaur and sincerely express respect for Whispers' well-thought out, purposeful narrative.
unless the Cap'n has truly dark ulterior motives, he is at least a little better than a pimp in that he wants to do some good, even if there is something in it for him and even if it backfires. honorable intent, even with unintended consequences (like not hitting rock bottom soon enough), is better than a pimp. I'd like to think the ones I have seen are all indy, as advertised (aside from a fave at the LBD co-op). I wouldn't knowingly see someone with a pimp. just not interested in that scene if I can help it.
BeckyonHerKnees: SL'S ex-wife.
MonkeyOnHerBack: Visa, Master Card & American Express
PurpleHattedPimpDaddy: CockSuckingAttorney
CaptainSaveAHo: Still Looking
Narrated by: The God Father
Another American spin-off of the popular British reality show Ponce vs Leftenant Save-A-Slag
"Monty Python? Where are they now? Well, they're here in this cupboard."
(opens cupboard; they are in fact inside)
(closes cupboard)
"...sad, isn't it?"
— Steve Martin
unless the Cap'n has truly dark ulterior motives, he is at least a little better than a pimp in that he wants to do some good, even if there is something in it for him and even if it backfires. honorable intent, even with unintended consequences (like not hitting rock bottom soon enough), is better than a pimp. I'd like to think the ones I have seen are all indy, as advertised (aside from a fave at the LBD co-op). I wouldn't knowingly see someone with a pimp. just not interested in that scene if I can help it.
Good or bad, better or worse are not platonic absolutes. The universe subscribes to no innate ethics. People extrapolate ethics from the values they choose or accept from others. Ergo, while deontology may soothe the Cap'n's soul with the knowledge he followed his own moral rules, that matters jack all in the calculus of those his actions effect. For them the consequences are the thing and paving a road to hell with the best of intentions is no more moral than the lowlife pimp. And remember, the pimp has his own rationalizations worked out for his own twisted behavior. The pimp thinks he's doing a favor for the women he's fucking over. Selflessness and selfishness are academic to whoever is on the receiving end, whether of good or bad consequences.
Yes, everyone should of course follow their own moral framework. But unless one does the work to build a consequence-focused framework, it's really no better than telling your math prof: But I wrote something math-y looking on the page. Sure it has no bearing on what you taught in class and doesn't solve any problems, but I should still get a better grade than the student that didn't write anything at all!
"Monty Python? Where are they now? Well, they're here in this cupboard."
(opens cupboard; they are in fact inside)
(closes cupboard)
"...sad, isn't it?"
— Steve Martin
Bravo Centaur! As you no doubt know I am a fan of satirical humor using pictures and captions. Good stuff.
Yes, everyone should of course follow their own moral framework. But unless one does the work to build a consequence-focused framework, it's really no better than telling your math prof: But I wrote something math-y looking on the page. Sure it has no bearing on what you taught in class and doesn't solve any problems, but I should still get a better grade than the student that didn't write anything at all!
No...just, no
I get what you're saying and my political beliefs taught me long ago all about unintended consequences (hello, 4-decade static poverty level/illicit drug use level, etc). I just don't think either Cap'n or pimp are going to think this that far through with all the consideration to meet the very real standards you mention. when money and/or pussy are involved, the kind of deep thought and long-term planning you cite just don't happen (IMO). far too much emotion involved.
so for practical purposes, and using commonly agreed upon definition of "good" and "bad," I think the pimp always loses.
and if the point you are making is that neither is preferable, no argument here. but removing that choice (neither), the honorable sap that makes things worse is still better than the pimp.
finally, I utterly DETEST the "but I tried so hard" defense you mention (the math student). I hated hearing it from other students in school, and have fired employees who used it more than once in the workplace. I'm not a fan of weak shit, either.
Matter of fact, bobbing my head is now an involuntary action.
If it ever looks like i am thinking really hard about something, I'm not,
I'm just concentrating on holding my head still.