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Old 11-05-2010, 07:28 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by travelling_man View Post
I'm sure the girl is reading this and before naming her I'm going to give her a chance to respond to me directly. I am more than open to letting her do something to make it right and just chalk it up to her having a bad day. But as Dannie said it seems like this was a con job right from the beginning so I doubt she'll have to guts to step up and do anything about it. I'll give her a chance though before naming who it was.
Okay so I was with ya (mostly) until this part...I don't know that you are going about this in the best way. Like I said, I wouldn't have asked for her to make it up to you or hold your breath waiting. You should have left that up to her, she probably would have known you were talking about her was after reading this, and if she decided on her own to make it up to you, Great. It would have been far better than a forced session, which is kind of what you are asking for here. No way would she want to see you after reading this, so why would you want to see her again? Just for the discounted pussy that she has to give you in order to keep you from naming her?

Not cool.

In your initial post, you seem to be upset that she had two different rates: what was posted on p411, and then what she asked for in relation to you getting an L3 session...and now it's turning in to something about her having an "off" day? How does her having a rough day figure in to posting two separate rates? Something doesn't look right, here.
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Old 11-05-2010, 08:01 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Dannie View Post
Okay so I was with ya (mostly) until this part...I don't know that you are going about this in the best way. Like I said, I wouldn't have asked for her to make it up to you or hold your breath waiting. You should have left that up to her, she probably would have known you were talking about her was after reading this, and if she decided on her own to make it up to you, Great. It would have been far better than a forced session, which is kind of what you are asking for here. No way would she want to see you after reading this, so why would you want to see her again? Just for the discounted pussy that she has to give you in order to keep you from naming her?

Not cool.

How is this not cool? Where did you get that I wanted discounted pussy? Did I say that? On top of that where did I say that she HAS to give me discounted pussy? Never said that or wanted that. Just like others, please don't put words in my mouth or assume that I am saying something I didn't. There have been multiple instances where a first session didn't go great and a subsequent session was much better. My ATF right now started out that way and if I hadn't given her a 2nd chance she certainly wouldn't be my ATF and the numerous other wonderful sessions that we've had would have never happened.

I am NOT naming her here in public. Seems like you would rather have the girl crucified rather than give her a chance to explain what happened. Since when it is not ok to give a girl the benefit of the doubt and have her talk to the guy about it? I thought that was what you girls wanted.

Look I'm done here. I don't want to have to go on the defensive and get attacked when I'm the one that was scammed and ripped off. No wonder guys don't want to write reviews. This wasn't even a review. It was supposed to be a discussion about charging for services vs time and it's turned into a witch hunt.

The post about the session was simply supporting my initial post about time vs services. I gave an example of what happened to me recently with a girl that charged for services which I do not feel was right considering that her ad was based on time. It was an example only to explain what I meant in my initial post about services vs time. Others took that and ran with it in a totally different direction than what this entire thread is about.
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Old 11-05-2010, 08:16 PM   #18
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These threads always seem to get gilflirted away from their original purpose. I think if you had presented your session as a hypothetical example, instead of an actual account of recent events, you would have got the answers you were seeking, and avoided a lot of drama.
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Old 11-05-2010, 10:58 PM   #19
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I dunno TM, I read through all the comments and don't quite understand why you got thrown under the bus.

You described the session, what happened, what you throught was ok, and what wasn't ok. You mentioned that you believed the lady in general would probably read the thread and you were going to wait to see if she contacted you about it.

From your description it did indeed sound like an upsell, and an upsell when you were nude too! That lady does deserve some kudo's for getting to you when your drawers were down! Perfect time if you ask me. Tacky, but well timed...

So like you I would have expected that if you were going to stay, the time spent would have been somewhat enjoyable - ideally for the both of you. You described something totally different, which sucks considering the rate you paid.

I don't agree that you were looking for a free piece of ass. You asked for opinions. You got some good ones, and some that were less than good. Take the good, ignore the rest!

The only things I might have done different would have been to a) turn around and leave when you first learned things were not as advertised, b) tried to contact the lady in question (assuming you have not) privately and put forth these same thoughts to her and ask her if she felt you got short-changed, and if so, what is a fair way to both parties to make it up. And if she declined or said you got what you paid for, then just write your review, give your reccomendation and chalk it up to a learning experience.

I think you need to treat yourself to a lady whom you know will have you leaving grinning and feeling a whole lot better over this affair... Need any names?
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Old 11-05-2010, 10:59 PM   #20
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I am with you, lowlife hobbyist unite.
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Old 11-06-2010, 08:01 AM   #21
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ah, history just keeps repeating itself!
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Old 11-06-2010, 08:47 AM   #22
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This should be time to get the
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Old 11-06-2010, 11:22 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TheBizzer View Post
I agree, but how is this different than the prevailing attitude that you shouldn't post a nc/ns until giving a provider the chance to make it up to you?

Sure, one sounds prettier than the other, but at the end of the day it's the same concept.
Unless there's been a shift, I always thought that the prevailing attitude was to not post about an nc/ns until a few days have passed to give the provider time to contact you and let you "know what happened," not give her a "chance to make it up to you."

Emergencies do happen. I think for many guys, a sincere apology is enough. A discount or extra time is not needed. But maybe that's just how I interpret it.

In this case, details were posted that paint the provider in a very negative light but her name was withheld for now because the OP said he was "more than open to letting her do something to make it right." If she doesn't, then he'll name her.

He may not have meant it the way it sounds, but it sounds bad.

Personally, based on additional details of the session that some of us have, there wouldn't be a thing she could do to make it right to me. And he has every reason to be upset. If it were me, I'd just cut my losses, do a review, and sell the story to a sitcom.
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Old 11-06-2010, 11:59 AM   #24
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I don't quite understand why the OPs question was never answered. He wanted our opinion in whether it's legit to offer multiple levels of service if we are only paying for time.

I'd personally like to hear some providers opinions on that. I'm not saying I'm against it but just curious what others think of this well used marketing tool.
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Old 11-06-2010, 12:02 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by RoDunn View Post

Personally, based on additional details of the session that some of us have,
Some of us? Is there another thread on this session that turned sour? If so can you please post a link so all of us will have these additional details?
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Old 11-06-2010, 12:59 PM   #26
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I think the Time vs Service marketing technique has been a shield for many ladies to hide behind for a very long time. Outside of ECCIE, I haven't seen any ladies actually honor the 30 minutes or 60 minutes...you cum, you leave...its "up to 30 minutes" and is rarely "all inclusive". In the scenario mentioned, I would have left, written a bad review, and never seen her again. If she offered me a discount, I wouldn't take it. There are too many ladies being honest and legitimate and I won't waste time on scams and cons. This was one reason why I went the SD route for so long and am slowly diversifying back to escorts and SB's.

So what if TM is witholding her name in hopes that she will contact him. At the end of the day, her name becomes public, just like if he had written a bad review. Some of you guys just love to stir the pot. He isn't doing any more damage than he would have done by writing a review, but he's giving her a chance (something I wouldn't have done) and trying to make up for his lost time and money....which is something many guys would want. Looks like logic is getting thrown by the wayside.
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Old 11-06-2010, 03:02 PM   #27
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Old 11-06-2010, 04:12 PM   #28
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I know Traveling Man very well, and I don't think that he would come on here and say all this just to try and get something for free.
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Old 11-06-2010, 04:20 PM   #29
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I say name her- she probably doesn't even know your handle(since you screened with P411) and isn't able to put two and two together. Let her be known so she can come on here and tell her side of the story.
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Old 11-06-2010, 08:53 PM   #30
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TM, when are you gonna learn to just charge it to the game, make a single post, and then move on?

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