Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
For Life? perma ban? Give us a link, don't make me go to upset and read all that shit... please.
crap, December 2013. I think the thread was in Upset NY coed. or was it sandbox. crap I can't remember without looking. Anyways its a thread where I was asking a banned member XY to clean up a blog so I could post a link. Btw XY got back latter but got his ass banned again. The now banned member GP was the mod that was after me and the one that banned me. XY did clean up most of the names/handles in that outing blog. I also missed to ask to clean out some real life info on one gal after he did clean out real name and not hobby phone number of another gal.
Thinking blog was all set, yet it was not really I post the link. GP life time banned me as I was writing my next post. I started

when I submitted that post and it came back you be banned for life sucker. Hell I had to close all tabs of eccie just to even read eccie. Before I went out for a beer and a hook err ops provider, my play email started filling up with emails from eccie members. When I got back I started emailing with admins, ya 30 or 90 days would be better for what I did wrong posting a link that still had way to much fucking outing crap in it. Even if much of it was cleaned up. It was a game of I was posting clean this and that, and the banned member did. GP would have been alright if he gave me 90 days and right to do so.
As I asking for about a mouth and 1/2 by email, I was given a gift and was back I think it was the next day, or was it a day after the next day.
Anyways my plan was not to post for a month and 1/2. But I only made it about a week. err or was that almost. Well look at my post count LOL how long can a post slut not post if he/she could LOL
I never even thought of a 2nd handle, GP was looking for that and I'm sure was praying I would. He would have loved asking a admin is that handle a 2nd then getting the ok ta ban my ass again
errr something like that as I remember without looking at past posts and threads.
your welcome to dig if you want.
I may latter, but about to go out for a beer and... That by the way I can review now if I want.