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Old 06-22-2014, 09:08 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
There are more than ample threads on here that allow you and anyone else who cares to stomp on the current administration. But your revisionist history is sorely distorted. We had damn few allies at the end of the Bush-2 years because too many felt we had lied to them about the war just as Cheney/Rice/Bush lied to congress and the US populous. While Obama has done essentially nothing to actually HELP the perspectives in most foreign countries, he couldn't make them much worse either. ?

LL deflects all the time and then cries about deflection!
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Old 06-22-2014, 09:25 AM   #17
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Well, that soldier certainly put things in perspective and quite eloquently.

There was no reason for the the US to start the Iraq war.

I know that it took me all of 30 seconds to decide the war in Iraq was an imbecilic idea when the idea first came up, but I remember otherwise intelligent people applauding the invasion saying that if we did not "fight them over there, we would have to fight them over here".

Total bullshit. Saddam would have stayed in the box we had him in without draining our blood or treasure.

. . . Now, this damn thing has become like the tar baby that we can't get rid off!

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Old 06-22-2014, 09:28 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
They are certainly war criminals, as are Obama, Biden and Hillary.
The reason I am not willing to say that Bush/Cheney are "war criminals" is because it is easy to say but extremely difficult to prove.

Yes, I vehemently disagreed with their actions during the weeks and months leading up to the spring of 2003 invasion and its aftermath. But to say that G.W. Bush/Cheney had criminal intent takes the argument to a whole new level. I certainly do not believe that Shrub had criminal intent due to the fact that I do not believe incompetence is a crime.

On the other hand, Darth Cheney would be the more likely person to have criminal intent. If his motivation was to put taxpayer $$$$'s into Halliburton's bank balance then I would be willing to concede his actions would have been criminal. While I'm not there yet, I am certainly willing to listen!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Uh, the topic is Iraq. Please pay attention.

As for possible Obama/Biden/Hillary criminal activity, I will give you a dose of your own hypocritical medicine with a firm reminder of your very own words.


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Old 06-22-2014, 10:22 AM   #19
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That's a sad letter. I like this letter, too.

Senior Airman Brian Kolfage is a United States hero. He is a triple-amputee veteran of the War in Iraq who has surpassed all odds and made the most incredible recovery of any veteran to ever survive his injuries. He is a patriot – the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be. This is his letter to Obama on Presidents Day.

My Open Letter to Obama on Presidents day.

I nearly died in a war that you and most of your colleagues supported overwhelmingly, including the two presidents who came before you. Many citizens may not agree with waging war in Iraq to free the oppressed Iraqi citizens, but it’s something that warriors like myself have zero control over. I joined to serve my country and to better my life. I’ve seen things that you could never imagine, and they have made me the person I am today.

Mr. Obama, even though we share extreme opposite views, we have one thing in common, we both attended school in Hawaii. However, that’s where the similarities end. You see, as you attended your exclusive, private school, I would ride my bike to Kaimuki High school in one of the roughest areas in Hawaii every morning and would ride past Punahou, the exclusive private school you attended. I would notice the Bentleys, Maserati’s, and fancy foreign cars that all the kids were dropped off in; wow it must have been extremely rough in Hawaii living that life, right? I could only imagine what it was like to have that kind of money. Fortunately for you, not many people are aware of the school and the upper class citizens who attended it. The tuition to attend your exclusive, private school was more than it cost me to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Arizona. You talk a big game when it comes to financial inequality, yet I’m quite sure you have no idea what it’s truly like to have sacrifice. You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.

After High School, we each chose very different paths. You were able to attend Ivy League schools, and I sought out a military career to in hopes of earning a degree. What we have in life as children usually sets the tone for what we will face later in life that will make us successful. I worked to get where I am today, and YOU WERE HANDED IT….Mr. Inequality.

I volunteered to go to Iraq on both of my deployments, and the second time I begged to go even after I wasn’t selected, which ultimately got me placed on the team where I would lose both legs and my dominant arm. I’ve never asked myself was losing 3 limbs in a war worth it, even though many Americans were against it.

I am frequently reminded of the many young Iraqi children who would beg me for water, food, and toys while I was stationed in Iraq. Children, who in all aspects made the poorest of poor American children look rich. You have no idea what it really means to be poor. It’s laughable that you, who would have no idea what it means to be poor would so frequently play the inequality card.

While I was in Iraq, our mission was to liberate the Iraqi citizens from a tyrant and that’s what we did. Never forget, it was your people who sent us there, like the Clintons, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi & Carl Levin. However, since the day you busted onto the scene you’ve been talking about ending the war and pulling the troops out, not understanding the blood sweat and tears that so many Americans and Iraqi’s invested. And with complete disregard for every life sacrificed, every limb lost, and every broken family, you bailed on our mission to pursue an agenda that was completely centered on your re-election in 2012. If you didn’t bail on Iraq you were worried that you may not get re-elected and that’s a fact. Just before elections on Oct 11, 2012 you said “Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead.” Look at Iraq now, they are in shambles and the Al Qaeda flag is flying freely. Clearly, you’re unfit for duty as a Commander in Chief. You put your own agenda ahead of America’s agenda, and now you have single handedly ruined and destroyed nearly everything we gained in Iraq. It clearly means nothing to you, because the only thing that you’ve personally invested in that country was a promise to bail on them. However, people like me gave limbs, friends have died, and we’ve watched families destroyed by war’s aftermath.

I’m not placing blame on you for the war, I’m placing blame on you for destroying what we’ve worked so hard to build. You’re not a leader, you’re a community organizer. A leader would have stood up regardless of the situation and put America’s agenda first and that is ensuring a secure Iraq even after 10 years of war. But, you placed Barack first, just as Robert Gates confirmed in his new book. I can’t help but think of those poor kids who I gave water and toys to 11 years ago. They’re probably 15 or 16 years old now, and I can only imagine what it’s like for them to have their nation being torn apart yet again; all because of your poor leadership qualities. Regardless of why we went to Iraq, its water under the bridge. We went there, we waged war, and we not only owed it to our KIA’s but we owed it to the citizens of Iraq. We invaded their country and turned it upside down, and you bailed on them. You bailed on our soldiers and you’ve wasted every death and every limb, it’s all for nothing. And to make matters worse you blame others for your failures

You’re just another elitist rich thug who’s pretended to live the rough life growing up in the inner-city. You’re only worried about your own agenda and furthering your party instead of taking care of Americans. Your inability to be a leader at some of the most critical points has caused both of our wars to fail. You’ve been a joke to most of our veteran community and we have no faith in your ability to lead.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF
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Old 06-22-2014, 10:34 AM   #20
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You’re just another elitist rich thug who’s pretended to live the rough life growing up in the inner-city. You’re only worried about your own agenda and furthering your party instead of taking care of Americans. Your inability to be a leader at some of the most critical points has caused both of our wars to fail. You’ve been a joke to most of our veteran community and we have no faith in your ability to lead.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF[/QUOTE]

That my friend, just about sums up the whole conversation. Nice find.
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Old 06-22-2014, 10:34 AM   #21
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I call them war criminals because they were tried and convicted by an international tribunal on war crimes in Kuala Lumpur. Bush is wanted internationally and subject to arrest on foreign soil.

Agree wih the verdict or not, recognize the court or not, the conviction makes them criminals. That court was established because many felt the World Court in The Hague was too biased.

I couldn't put it any simpler than that.
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Old 06-22-2014, 10:43 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
My Open Letter to Obama on Presidents day.

I nearly died in a war that you and most of your colleagues supported overwhelmingly, including the two presidents who came before you. Many citizens may not agree with waging war in Iraq to free the oppressed Iraqi citizens, but it’s something that warriors like myself have zero control over.

You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF
What Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF does have control over is the truth....and he lied when he said Obama supported the invasion of Iraq.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post

You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF
Here is another lie...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
We invaded their country and turned it upside down, and you bailed on them.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF
This is true .... we invaded a country , turned it upside down. Replaced one dictator who was at odds with Iran , with one that is friendly with Iran. WTF kind of schooling do they get in the Air Force where they think this is a good thing ? Wanting to stay in Iraq is like wanting to go all in with unsuited , no pair'd, 10 high hand full of nothing.
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:05 AM   #23
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Amn Kolfarge may well be a hero--I don't know anything more about him than this letter.

However, I think much of what he writes is sadly mistaken.

1. He sounds amazingly angry about the president BECAUSE OBAMA WAS RICH growing up. Somehow in Kolfarge's mind that makes him incapable of speaking on any topic having to do with economic inequities. If that was the case we would never have ended child labor or slavery since none of the politicians who fought to end those things were slaves of child workers--or at best, not enough to pass any legislation. That comes across as bogus envy, "YOU went to a rich school while I had to go to the poor school." I wonder why the Amn didn't single out many, many, many other rich kids at rich schools.

2. Undoing "victory"? If there HAD been victory that might have some substance, but you can't undo what was never there. "Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead” sounds no worse than "Mission Accomplished!" And at least we DID owe bin Laded payback--we didn't have quite the same debt to pay to Sadam--evil bastard that he was. If I recall correctly it was not only the liberal wackos (of which, Pelosi most certainly is) who "sent us there"; odd he forgets the votes from more than a couple conservatives as well, or am I mistaken? That comment alone sadly costs him any credibility he would otherwise have. I am sorry he lost three limbs. His actions may well have been heroic. His concern about the lost generation of Iraq I applaud. But when it comes to politics he is clearly exceedingly misguided and delusional. Yet another person who blames an inept fire department for the arson. I truly wish that by keeping our troops in the M.E. a few more years we could ensure peace and quash Islamic extremism, but the only thing a few more years will accomplish is more dead Americans WITHOUT the positive results.

By the way--what wartime president has NOT played the war card as a reason to get reelected? They all do, most recently Bush-2. But somehow the letter's author seems to have a short memory. Why politicians keep thinking that being a "war president" is something to advertize in reelection I will never understand--oh wait, yes I do: because it works in most cases!

I am not saying it happened this way, but if the RWWs drafted an angry diatribe that had no basis in reality in order to get sympathy because if a wounded warrior's plight, it would sound just like this.
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:10 AM   #24
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Oinept, never supported our troops... FUCK him and the uni-corn he rode in on!

US Troops Fed Up With Insane Rules of Engagement
Posted by Victoria Jackson on February 13, 2014 at 12:49 am


“In a delicate discussion with an Army Ranger who recently left the military, we heard the following: “I had to get out. I have a family who needs me. I didn’t join to be sacrificed. I joined to fight.”

“This decision came shortly after he lost a close friend to the ROE (Rules of Engagement). He explained how the Taliban had attempted an ambush on his friend’s squad but quickly realized they were in a battle they couldn’t win and began retreating. While chasing them, the U.S. soldiers were ordered not to engage due to the slight chance the Taliban had laid down their arms as they ran through some type of shack. While arguing with leadership at the JOC (Joint Operations Center), his friend was shot and killed.”

This story is being told all too frequently in military circles.

Story here.

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan (October 2001 – December 2008) we lost 630 U.S. soldiers. In early 2009, this administration authorized the implementation of the COIN strategy. Over the next five years, the U.S. death toll skyrocketed to 2,292.”

COIN – the failed Counterinsurgency strategy also known as “winning the hearts and minds of the enemy.” This and “our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive ROE (Rules of Engagement), have made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.”

The Obama Administration is telling our young men to win a war with their hands tied behind their backs. Slaughtering them. Unbelievable. Our Commander-in-Chief is aiding and abetting the enemy. Impeach Obama.

“Seventy-three percent of all U.S. deaths in Afghanistan have taken place since 2009.”

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan, 2,638 U.S. soldiers were wounded in action. In the next forty-five months (2009 – 2012) an additional 15,036 suffered the same fate.”

Excerpts are from an article written by: Billy and Karen Vaughn who are Gold Star parents of Special Operations Chief (SEAL) Aaron Vaughn, KIA 6 Aug 2011. Billy is the author of “Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17.” Read more or schedule the Vaughns for a speaking event at http://www.forourson.us.

Related article here about our troops being at greater risk since Obama’s new Rules of Engagement.

It mentions the situation under investigation where Aaron Vaughn was needlessly killed…”the Afghan Taliban’s downing of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter last year that killed 30 U.S. troops, including 17 members of SEAL Team 6. The report notes service members’ frustration at seeing people they knew were Taliban fighters during the August 2012 operation in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley, but they were denied permission to shoot.”

Read more at http://victoriajackson.com/10529/us-...3MQ70TyiseT.99
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:40 AM   #25
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Whenever you are using military troops to conduct police keeping and nation building activities you wind up with stupid, deadly ROE. Happens no matter who the president. Happened under both Bushes, LBJ, Obama, Nixon, and on and on.

Military are not Police. They are two different tools for two different jobs. You would think we would have learned that in the past 65 years but we obviously have not, so lots of people still keep dieing.
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Old 06-22-2014, 11:49 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Whenever you are using military troops to conduct police keeping and nation building activities you wind up with stupid, deadly ROE. Happens no matter who the president. Happened under both Bushes, LBJ, Obama, Nixon, and on and on.

Military are not Police. They are two different tools for two different jobs. You would think we would have learned that in the past 65 years but we obviously have not, so lots of people still keep dieing.
I agree.
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:53 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Oinept, never supported our troops... FUCK him and the uni-corn he rode in on!

US Troops Fed Up With Insane Rules of Engagement
Posted by Victoria Jackson on February 13, 2014 at 12:49 am


“In a delicate discussion with an Army Ranger who recently left the military, we heard the following: “I had to get out. I have a family who needs me. I didn’t join to be sacrificed. I joined to fight.”

“This decision came shortly after he lost a close friend to the ROE (Rules of Engagement). He explained how the Taliban had attempted an ambush on his friend’s squad but quickly realized they were in a battle they couldn’t win and began retreating. While chasing them, the U.S. soldiers were ordered not to engage due to the slight chance the Taliban had laid down their arms as they ran through some type of shack. While arguing with leadership at the JOC (Joint Operations Center), his friend was shot and killed.”

This story is being told all too frequently in military circles.

Story here.

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan (October 2001 – December 2008) we lost 630 U.S. soldiers. In early 2009, this administration authorized the implementation of the COIN strategy. Over the next five years, the U.S. death toll skyrocketed to 2,292.”

COIN – the failed Counterinsurgency strategy also known as “winning the hearts and minds of the enemy.” This and “our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive ROE (Rules of Engagement), have made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.”

The Obama Administration is telling our young men to win a war with their hands tied behind their backs. Slaughtering them. Unbelievable. Our Commander-in-Chief is aiding and abetting the enemy. Impeach Obama.

“Seventy-three percent of all U.S. deaths in Afghanistan have taken place since 2009.”

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan, 2,638 U.S. soldiers were wounded in action. In the next forty-five months (2009 – 2012) an additional 15,036 suffered the same fate.”

Excerpts are from an article written by: Billy and Karen Vaughn who are Gold Star parents of Special Operations Chief (SEAL) Aaron Vaughn, KIA 6 Aug 2011. Billy is the author of “Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17.” Read more or schedule the Vaughns for a speaking event at http://www.forourson.us.

Related article here about our troops being at greater risk since Obama’s new Rules of Engagement.

It mentions the situation under investigation where Aaron Vaughn was needlessly killed…”the Afghan Taliban’s downing of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter last year that killed 30 U.S. troops, including 17 members of SEAL Team 6. The report notes service members’ frustration at seeing people they knew were Taliban fighters during the August 2012 operation in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley, but they were denied permission to shoot.”

Read more at http://victoriajackson.com/10529/us-...3MQ70TyiseT.99

YOu're a psychOtic anti-American traitOr, SlObbrin! Plain and simple. NO wOnder yOur kid ran away and jOined the circus!
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Old 06-22-2014, 12:56 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Oinept, never supported our troops... FUCK him and the uni-corn he rode in on!

US Troops Fed Up With Insane Rules of Engagement
Posted by Victoria Jackson on February 13, 2014 at 12:49 am


“In a delicate discussion with an Army Ranger who recently left the military, we heard the following: “I had to get out. I have a family who needs me. I didn’t join to be sacrificed. I joined to fight.”

“This decision came shortly after he lost a close friend to the ROE (Rules of Engagement). He explained how the Taliban had attempted an ambush on his friend’s squad but quickly realized they were in a battle they couldn’t win and began retreating. While chasing them, the U.S. soldiers were ordered not to engage due to the slight chance the Taliban had laid down their arms as they ran through some type of shack. While arguing with leadership at the JOC (Joint Operations Center), his friend was shot and killed.”

This story is being told all too frequently in military circles.

Story here.

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan (October 2001 – December 2008) we lost 630 U.S. soldiers. In early 2009, this administration authorized the implementation of the COIN strategy. Over the next five years, the U.S. death toll skyrocketed to 2,292.”

COIN – the failed Counterinsurgency strategy also known as “winning the hearts and minds of the enemy.” This and “our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive ROE (Rules of Engagement), have made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.”

The Obama Administration is telling our young men to win a war with their hands tied behind their backs. Slaughtering them. Unbelievable. Our Commander-in-Chief is aiding and abetting the enemy. Impeach Obama.

“Seventy-three percent of all U.S. deaths in Afghanistan have taken place since 2009.”

“In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan, 2,638 U.S. soldiers were wounded in action. In the next forty-five months (2009 – 2012) an additional 15,036 suffered the same fate.”

Excerpts are from an article written by: Billy and Karen Vaughn who are Gold Star parents of Special Operations Chief (SEAL) Aaron Vaughn, KIA 6 Aug 2011. Billy is the author of “Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17.” Read more or schedule the Vaughns for a speaking event at http://www.forourson.us.

Related article here about our troops being at greater risk since Obama’s new Rules of Engagement.

It mentions the situation under investigation where Aaron Vaughn was needlessly killed…”the Afghan Taliban’s downing of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter last year that killed 30 U.S. troops, including 17 members of SEAL Team 6. The report notes service members’ frustration at seeing people they knew were Taliban fighters during the August 2012 operation in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley, but they were denied permission to shoot.”

Read more at http://victoriajackson.com/10529/us-...3MQ70TyiseT.99
QuOte the ANGRY parents of a dead serviceman, SlObbrin. YOu think they might be On a missiOn?

Keep GOOGling, SlObbrin! YOu'll always find something that suppOrts yOur anti-American viewpOint.

YOu're a psychOtic anti-American traitOr, SlObbrin! Plain and simple. NO wOnder yOur kid ran away and jOined the circus! NO wOnder yOu're always sO angry abOut America. Pity yOu're tOO stupid tO prOperly analyze the situatiOn!

pOOr SlObbrin!

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Old 06-22-2014, 03:07 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I call them war criminals because they were tried and convicted by an international tribunal on war crimes in Kuala Lumpur. Bush is wanted internationally and subject to arrest on foreign soil.

Agree wih the verdict or not, recognize the court or not, the conviction makes them criminals. That court was established because many felt the World Court in The Hague was too biased.

I couldn't put it any simpler than that.
Let me understand your point Yssup, if I managed to fund and buy a kangaroo court decision in some shit hole 3rd world country that Obama committed crimes and that court convicted him, you'd agree that Obama was a criminal?? Just making sure I understands your standards.. or if you have any.
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Old 06-22-2014, 03:53 PM   #30
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I refer you to the post, dipshit.

Obviously, this is your day to shit on sensibility.

Why is this a kangaroo court, unlike the one in The Hague, home of Royal Dutch Shell?

Why is this a "third world country" by comparison to nations that starve children and educate them in exchange for a life of indentured servitude?

As my post indicated, which you, not surprisingly, didn't read -- agree with it or not, BUSH AND CHENEY WERE FUCKING CONVICTED.

Where's your refutation, you knuckle dragging ditto head?
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