Originally Posted by GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead
Agreed. Sorry, but i had a momentary glimpse of morality...it will not happen again. .....
Well, it has been an interesting discussion; we all have started thinking about things. I have no problems with discussions.
I have seen a lot in the hobby, and the most immoral thing I have seen is the ladies who have gotten beat-up: either by a client, or by management. In my life, I have seen war, and I have seen mean-evil people. I have had two wives die, and the third one that is very frail and sick. I have raised two families, and inherited a third.
Women are people too, but for many guys sex is about power and control - and that is immoral.
The best analogy that I have thought of, and I give it to anyone who wants it, is a comparison between life, and the relationship between man and women to the game of chess.
The most important piece on the board - the King. But the object of the game, is to kill the king (by honor, the final blow is not taken). He may be important, but he can only move one space at a time. Thus, he has to rely on others for both his power and protection.
The most powerful piece on the board - the queen. Just like in society, she can make almost any move she wants within the limit that she can not jump over the tops of other pieces. But the main purpose of the Queen is to protect the King.
The Bishop move diagonally as many places as it wants and represents the church and its' control on society, and the rules that the church as brought to us.
The Rook (that looks like a fort) moves horizontally and vertically and represents the government and administration of society and the rules that are brought to us by the government.
The knight and the pawns are the military and represent the power of the military in society and the rules that are brought to us by the police/military for the control of society.