A friend of mine was an escort. Good work is rarely easy.
Originally Posted by Aphrodite
Aphro *warning!-a-dinner-date-may-change-your-life* Dite
A breakfast date changed mine.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
It does take a certain geisha level mindset to be "on" for that many hours; I have been asked impromptu to speak on political or current events to a large table of guest, I've been asked to play guitar and/or to sing, one never knows what to expect and it is sometimes a bit disconcerting.
So, a third-grade teacher would be ideal.
Originally Posted by Bob McV
...it does seem to be a bit backwards around these parts. Here we book time, have an intimate exchange, and then if it all clicks, maybe extend things to a more traditional date type encounter.
Originally Posted by Bob McV
The "fancy ass girls" are partly banking on the fact that guys willing to book that much time and money on an unknown are pretty good at faking a charming if shallow evening of small talk and pleasantries. Then meeting them at least half way with their own acting skills and talent for the job.
Not really. At the (
link), please read the paragraph on p. 32 that begins "I was put in the middle of the stage." Please compare that with the paragraph on p. 47 that begins, "To convince yourself..."