I'm going to offer a somewhat contrary opinion to those previously expressed. I know that it'll draw many snorts and hoots of derision and ridicule, and I'm sure that a few will find their way into the comments that will follow. But here goes.
"Hurt" is not the word I'd use. It implies a degree of emotional attachment that others have rightly pointed out is at best inappropriate for our relationships and at worst a recipe for disaster. I'm not saying that you can't grow fond of your ATF, even when you're not BCD, just that you have to keep the relationship in perspective.
I do, however, experience some negative emotions occasionally as I read reviews. Most of the time, it's akin to what I experienced recently, when I went in expecting, based on previous reviews, a lot of the erotic SS/B2B/L2-type activities and instead got basically a massage and a happy ending. It's the sort of thing that makes you wonder what the other guys have that you don't, and it's pretty deflating. Sometimes, it's obvious that repeat clients get better treatment, and I can appreciate that it's easier to trust a guy whom you've seen before and whom you know to be no risk. But that's not the case all the time, and if it's pretty well known what's involved for the 140/160/180/whatever donation, it's easy to feel cheated and disappointed when the physical activities weren't what you were expecting.
Similar to that are the feelings that come contemporaneously with thinking to yourself, "How come he got CIM and I didn't?" Or, "He paid the L1 price and got a BJ?" You just gotta learn to shrug it off to YMMV, for whatever reason, and either go back and hope things improve, or move along to someone who (hopefully) will do what you desire.
The other sort of emotional pang I feel is when I read something in a review of someone I've seen a few times, gotten to know a little, that's at variance with the image I've developed of her and that she's presented to me. To take a radical hypothetical, it can be rather jolting to find out that your girlfriend-for-an-hour is doing bareback gangbangs in south Dallas for $50.

Most of the time, of course, it's not that extreme, and you can either chalk it up to that being a side of her you hadn't seen yet, or to the fact that she's in a job where doing things outside the box that you've placed her in is sometimes called for.
Personally, I've recently felt some slight pangs from seeing a couple of my ATFs cavorting around naked in pictures, and from one using words in her ads that I've only heard from her while BCD. Both are different perspectives on the
ladies that have presented themselves to me, and that I have categorized, as such. It's not been enough to alter my affection for them, but it has made me realize that they are more complex than I had realized, and that there are many things about them that I don't know.