Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Is still think putting em all on an island is the best policy. This time one with no technological advances;-)
Well, except a guillotine. And have the island wired with cameras for the next hit reality tv show.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
I read an article years back that was titled, "Bullet to the back of the head". It was how in Russia, the condemned really didn't have an execution date per say, just one morning they would come in, hold him back against the cell bars, and put a bullet in the back of his head.
I saw a TV news report on it. The person cannot be executed if they are ill so when the warden walked death row in the morning everyone said that they weren't feeling well. Hilarious. Same in China but they don't care how you feel. Bullet to the back base of skull is supposedly the best because it destroys the part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing and separates the spinal column.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am opposed to the death penalty. That being said, are they serious? Stopping the execution because the prisoner was uncomfortable? What were they going to do? Nurse him back to health so they could kill him again?
This makes a joke of the death penalty. Give it up already.

Yeah, I wonder what the doctor or medical personnel's course of action was at that point? Waterboard him? I thought one drug was supposed to stop the heart.
Don't give up on the death penalty COG. There's still hope!