Originally Posted by bladtinzu
That nazi rule does not make any sense since an advertiser on here (adultfriendfinder) has ads on the site that clearly post below the waist shots of nudity. Wonder why someone doesn't lock them out of posting those ads on this site?? 
Originally Posted by Thibodaux
I doubt the Mods have anything to do with the hypocritical policy. You'd have to a$k the owner$. I can't think of a single valid (legal) reason for the prudish decision. Let the girls deal with whatever repercussions come from however raunchy-eXplicit they choose to advertise. Jmo
bayou boy
Disclaimer: I am not on staff here; never have been nor would I do it paid or not.
I agree it is
ironic that the site does not allow the providers to post graphic pics of the genitals when many of the paid advertisers that rent banner space have graphic pics that show up from their websites.
It is really quite simple. The owners have attorneys they counsel them on how to limit their exposure legally as well as to keep the board owners, staff, and members from being a primary target for LE.
The advice was do not allow the members with provider status to show graphic genital pictures. The showcase and member ads are on ECCIE.NET's servers and under the owners control.
The banner advertisers rent the frame space, but host their own content. Eccie.net has no control over the content of the banner ads as the content is hosted on the advertisers websites. Eccie.net is not liable for the content hosted on someone else's server.
If you would look past your own personal issues, you could acknowledge that Eccie walks a fine line. The goal is not to attract enough attention and not provide the ammo needed for a zealous DA or AG to want to file some charge against Eccie. At the same time, they maximize revenue by renting advertising frame space to advertisers it's members might be interested in to offset costs and maybe even make a few dollars. Eccie attracts more members by being a free site and offering premium benefits to those who contribute.
It really is a no brainer. The addition of paid advertisers for other websites
did create an ironic appearance of conflict, but is neither arbitrary nor hypocritical.